
Community Actions

3.24 Dobshill depot needs to be reused for development or open space – it should not remain in the current state.

3.25 Homes and sheltered accommodation for independent living are needed.

3.26 The former clinic on Melrose Close need to be reused for development or open space - it should not remain in the current state.

3.27 Work in partnership to secure alternative uses for disused properties within the settlement boundary (e.g. on Hawarden and Penymynydd Road)

3.28 Compliance

Ensure that any building or development projects are completed according to both the approved plan and the extant policies, national planning policies, Flintshire’s development plan (UDP or LDP) and Pen-y-ord Place Plan. There are significant examples in the village where failure of developers to comply with policies has resulted in direct impact on the quality of life of existing residents.