Local Businesses - Restricted Business Funds

For the attention of local businesses.

Welsh Government launched the ‘Restrictions Business Fund’ last week to support businesses and sole traders that have been directly impacted by the additional restrictions from 4th December.

The purpose of the latest round of grants is to provide businesses with cash flow support and to help cope with the latest restrictions. The grant seeks to complement other Covid-19 response measures to support businesses, social enterprises and charitable organisations in Wales.

Website content and on-line application forms are now available. There are two grant schemes on offer  which initially provide financial support to hospitality businesses of grants of up to £5,000 for businesses who are liable to pay business rates and up to £2,000 for other local businesses (non-NDR).

Further information including on-line application forms is available at:

www.flintshire.gov.uk/Business support grants

www.siryfflint.gov.uk/Grantiau cefnogi busnes

Sarah Hughes