Notes from the October 2020 Council Meeting

For the purpose of communicating as soon as reasonably possible to our residents, please view below the Notes from the October Ordinary Meeting for your information. These are not council minutes and have not been passed to Council for approval and therefore amendments may be made before submitting to the council for approval at the next meeting. These Notes will be removed and replaced with the formal approved minutes at the next meeting of the council.


Notes of the (Zoom) Virtual Meeting held on Wednesday 14th October 2020

For the purpose of communicating as soon as reasonably possible to our residents, these are notes taken from the meeting and are not approved minutes, therefore, amendments may be made before submitting to the council for approval.


The chair welcomed Mrs R Brown – Store Manager, Penyffordd Co-op.  RB thanked the council for the invitation, it has been exciting times opening the shop and is looking forward to work with the council.  She advised that the Co-op has a Local Pioneer for each store to engage with local charities, groups etc on behalf of the Managers.  The lady covering our area is Liz Rose.  They would like to create a Local Forum with the Co-op stores in Hope and Leeswood the beginning of next year regarding the three local causes, what is needed and how they can help.  The three causes for this year will be announced on 25th October 2020.  The new applications will open up around June 2021 and the Chair asked the Co-op could advise on when this is relaunched and the council could assist where possible.

The Chair asked about the recent ASB issues.  RB advised youths hanging around outside and the play area, rubbish, youths being abusive to staff.  She is also aware the Spar have been experiencing issues and she will be making contact with them.  The Chair asked if she had any suggestions on how to address these issues or if the council could assist?  They do not let these youths into the store now and they are in contact with the police. 

Cllr Williams advised that previous conversations were had with the Contracts Manager about installing CCTV at the rear of the building and asked whether RB was aware of this?  She did not think that this would be possible due to recording of children.  She will make further enquires.

Cllr Ransome referred to the applications and whether this would be dealt with in house or whether the council could assist.  RB advised it is well promoted and applications are made online although the council could get involved with the Local Pioneer.  She also advised that the Co-op offers Community Donations of £250 which can be applied for at any time through the year.  There is a certain criterion that would have to be met and groups can either enquire in store or via Liz Rose, Local Pioneer.

Cllr Hinds advised that she has communicated with the police who have agreed that they will increase patrols.

The Chair thanked RB for attending.

To review and report on any Matters Arising from previous meetings.

Min 65 - After the meeting it was established that as Cllrs Williams and Jones are on the WMI Committee representing the council, they are not required to complete a Declaration of Interest. Cllr Ransome whilst is a member of the committee representing the council, she has also taken on an additional role of Trustee and therefore completed and submitted a Declaration of Interest.

Min 75  Response letter from Leader of the Council Ian Roberts in relation to school transport, circulated to all members 22.09.2020.  In brief the response stated that they could not make an exception to the current policy.

Cllr Williams felt that the response had a total lack of understanding from FCC and that they should be able to manage such a request.  This issue has been ongoing for a number of years.  He proposed that the council should continue to fight this and a further letter issued.

Cllr Wakelam questioned how/why children from Marford, Wrexham are attending Castell Alun which is outside of the county?

The Clerk will liaise with Cllr Williams to prepare and issue a further letter to FCC.

Public Questions

The Clerk reported that an email had been received from a resident raising concerns regarding Mo’s Kitchen which is currently situated in the British Legion car park.  They have been provided with a response in that this at present Mo’s Kitchen is there on a temporary basis and the RBL will review again in 3 months.

Councillor Vacancy

An election has been requested for the Councillor Vacancy which arose due to the resignation of Cllr Janet Smith-Bellis.  This is now in the hands of FCC and the election will not be held until after 1st February 2021.

Planning Applications

a)    To report and consider the following planning applications received from Flintshire County Council:

 i.            Ref: 061644.  Change of use of land from agricultural use to equestrian use. Land Adjacent to Ash Tree Farm, Bannel Lane, Penymynydd. The Council has no objection on the condition that this does impact negatively on the neighbouring properties.  The council does request that a condition is applied to any approval that there be no buildings of substantial size.  There is concern that should the land have a change use, it could then potentially evolve to building/housing use. 

ii.          Ref: 061665.  Erection of Marquee for Wedding Venue.  Clawdd Offa Farm, Wrexham Road, Penyffordd. The council raised the following concerns; the volume of traffic that would be exiting and entering the busy A550 bypass and noise impact of local residents.  Further information would be required before the council could make an informed decision.  The council will request a copy of the Noise Assessment and will request that restraints would have to be made on the number of functions per year and the events finishing times.

iii.            Ref: 061853.  Proposed ground floor porch extension & internal alterations.  15 Well House Drive, Penymynydd. The Council has no objection, but request any concerns of local residents be forwarded to them for consideration. Provided the proposal does not negatively impact on neighbours or local environment, streetscene etc and complies with all relevant policy, they will be happy for a delegated decision.

 iv.            Ref: 061717.  Proposed single storey rear extension.  12 Green Meadow Rose, Penymynydd. The Council has no objection, but request any concerns of local residents be forwarded to them for consideration. Provided the proposal does not negatively impact on neighbours or local environment, streetscene etc and complies with all relevant policy, they will be happy for a delegated decision.

b)    To report on the Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council:         

i.          Ref: 061545.  Erection of single-storey side and rear extension.  White Gate Stables, Lower Mountain Road, Penyffordd.  Permitted Development

ii.          Ref: 061542.  Removal of existing Leylandii Hedge and replacement with new wall and fence. 1 Plas Yn Rhos, Penyffordd.  Approved

iii.          Ref: 061182.  Demolition of a pair of 2 storey semi-detached dwellings replaced by a new 2 storey 4 bed dwelling.  Rock Cottage, Penymynydd Road, Penymynydd.  Approved

iv.          Ref: 061691.  Extension to porch and conversion of garage. 25 Hazel Drive, Penymynydd.  Approved

c)    There is nothing further to report on the progress of the Vounog Hill public enquiry.

To Receive the Monthly County Councillors Report

Reports were circulated to members in advance of the meeting providing brief updates regarding Redrow, School Transport, LDP, Planning, ASB and Covid.

Cllr Blackman raised concern that the council needs to ensure that in the LDP the condition of planning and enforcement going hand in hand for matters such as design changes, plan changes, tree protection etc.  It is felt that this is currently lacking.

Cllr Wakelam reported the hedgerow being cut back at the McBryde development which is outside of their boundary.

The reports were received, noted and both Cty Cllrs thanked.  The council will write to FCC to regarding the LDP in that a condition needs to be incorporated to ensure that planning and enforcement works closely together due to lack of this at present.  Cllr Williams will liaise with McBryde Homes in relation to the boundary hedge cutting.

Environment Working Group

a)    To receive the minutes from the meeting held on 23rd September 2020 and notes from the play area site meeting on 24th September 2020.

b)    Dobshill Play Area - The Working Group presented a recommendation of the play area improvements for Dobshill together with costings received from Aura.  The funds to support these improvements will be from S106 money from the Dobshill development.   Total Quote: £11647.90 - £12147.90.

  • Supply & installation of 2 items of equipment - Rota Bounce and Cradle Swing (Aura will be removing one swing and installing a parent & toddler swing).  £8947.90

  • Additional Groundworks etc not inc in quote, which would include removing the existing concrete slab and relocating the bench - £1,000 - £1,500

  • Additional Hereford seating (made from recycled plastic) ,the cost for supply, installation and small concrete wearpad £600.

  • Replace the Five A Side goals to standard goals is £1,100.00.

Any remaining money from the S106 could either be held by FCC, be used to further improvements for Dobshill or potentially another play facility within the village.

The Clerk advised that due to covid there are significant delays with the supply of the equipment.

Cllr Bestwick proposed the above recommendation and the location of the equipment to be confirmed at a later date.  Cllr Williams suggested a further site meeting to finalise the layout and ascertain whether a further piece of equipment would be beneficial with the remaining budget.

Cllr Blackman did question the upgrade/improvements of the muga at Dobshill?  The Clerk and Cllr Williams advised that the muga is currently the responsibility of FCC Housing and Aura are reluctant to take on this facility without the necessary maintenance funding from Housing.

The council approved the above proposal for Dobshill play area.  Options will be reviewed with Richard Roberts for the remaining S106 money for either an additional piece of equipment for Dobshill, improvements to the muga or investment for another play area.   A site meeting will be held with Richard Roberts to determine the exact location of the equipment.

Westview Play Area - The Clerk took the opportunity to remind members that the council had applied for £10,000 match funding from FCC for Westview and/or Dobshill play areas which was approved.  As Dobshill will receive improvements via S106 money, that leaves a maximum of £20,000 funding for Westview.  On the advice from Richard Roberts this level of funding was not required for this play area and the council has the opportunity to only match fund £5,000.  A quote has been circulated to the Environment WG to consider and it will be included on the November agenda.

Millstone Skate Ramps – options are being investigated on how the council can address the issue of noise from the skate ramps whilst still maintaining or improving play facilities on Millstone.

c)    The required 10 locations for the North East Wales Digital Trail have been identified and information collated, the areas of interest are proposed as follows:

War Memorial Institute               Community Centre/Old School           Trinity Chapel

Hope & Penyffordd Station        Red Lion                                                      Royal British Legion

Ysgol Penyffordd                          St Johns School and Church                 Memorial Garden Inc Clock Millstone

Jo Danson has started to develop the Penyffordd App which was shared with members.  Cllr Ransome wished to thank all members and residents who have contributed to the information for this app.

Cllr Bestwick advised that the app has the facility to add information links for groups/organisations within the community and asked members to gather this information and to share with him and/or the Clerk.

Cllr Bestwick will continue to liaise with Jo Danson regarding further information, inc requirements for the audio transcripts. Members to provide community organisations/groups links to Cllr Bestwick or the Clerk.  The council will need to approve the final draft no later than the December meeting.

d)      Cllr Williams reported that he had been contacted by residents of Meadow Rise in relation to the Best Kept Competition prize money which the council have held in reserves and they have requested the installation of a gate along the pathway which would be estimated at £800.  He believed the prize was £200 and asked whether the community council would consider match funding and then also approach FCC Housing to cover the remaining cost.  The Clerk advised that the prize was only £100.  Cllr Hinds reported that she had previously requested a gate for the residents which FCC Housing had refused.

Cllr Williams will liaise with FCC Housing regarding the option of installing a gate and whether they will be able to provide any funding.  Cllr Williams will ensure residents are kept informed.

e)      Cllr Williams reported that the Co-op have undertaken some community work at the cabins by way of them being partitioned to form changing areas for different genders, toilet and washing facilities, including a disabled toilet and refreshment area.  Unfortunately, due to Covid the Football Club have not been able to hold the planned fundraising events which has set them back.  It is hope the first fix of electric will be undertaken shortly.  Connections of services are hoped to be completed by the end of the year but there is currently a cash flow issue.  Cllr Blackman advised that some of the service works had been offered free of charge, however, due to the delays with FCC Legal, this offer has now expired.  Service costs (estimates): Electric £904, Water £500, Groundworks £1000.  This is/will be a community facility and despite being let down, the council needs to consider investing additional money to complete the project.

The Clerk advised that there remains £635 in reserves for this project, any additional funding will need to be against either community improvements or community buildings.

Cllr Rothero requested that the council ensure that the school are consulted and kept informed of any works that will be undertaken.

The council will consider a further investment or £2500 and Cllr Williams will prepare firm costings to present to the council at the November meeting for the council to fully consider.

Penyffordd War Memorial Refurbishment Project (Section 106 Agreement)

Following the request last month from the WMI for additional financial support, further information was requested from them which was received and provided to all members.

Members fully considered the request which was for an advancement on their £4,000 annual grant for the next two years, however, they also considered the fact that covid19 has had a negative impact on events, fundraising and bookings, they could possibly offer further financial assistance without the WMI necessarily foregoing the annual grant for the next two years.  Concern was raised about advancing the next two year grants when the members of the council will certainly be changing during that time.

The Clerk reported that the WMI confirmed to her on 06.10.2020 that they are not aware of any further invoices for the council.  Therefore, there is still a remaining balance in the budget of £2950.

The council approved to provide a further investment of £5050 which together with the remaining £2950 budget, totals the £8,000 needed.  The council will not necessarily ask the WMI to forego applying for a grant for the next two years, however, grant applications for the next two years will be reviewed on its own merits.

Youth Club – Community Hwb

Sally Richard has confirmed they have now received approval from Cadwyn Clwyd for funding.  An invoice for the council has been presented and is this month’s accounts.  This together with Cadwyn Clwyd funding will be used for the Youth Club Feasibility study in advance of the Community Asset Transfer.  The Cadwyn Clwyd Agreement was circulated to all members and has been approved and returned.

Cllr Williams had included in his Cty Cllrs Report that the advert for the consultant is to go out this week and an appointment expected to be made on 16 November. The feasibility study will then be undertaken and completion expected on or before 1st May. Final takeover is hoped for Summer 2021.

Millstone Play Area

It was reported that The Millstone Pub had instructed contractors to install an access gate directly into the toddler play area. There had been no discussions or approval sought for this work and the council were not aware until the work been done.  This was immediately dealt with and the Clerk contacted Liberty Properties.  The contractors have liaised with the Millstone Pub who have apologies and agreed to reinstate the wall and fencing.

On the 27.09.2020 there was damage/vandalism to a number of fence panels.  The Clerk spoke with Liberty Properties and they kindly agreed to replace the panels when they undertake the reinstatement work.  Also on the 02.10.2020 there was damage to the heras fencing.  The Co-op called the police and dealt with the fencing.

The Clerk advised she has been liaising with the police who will be visiting the area, reviewing cctv and increasing patrols.

A draft letter to the local schools, Castell Alun and the Elfed has been circulated to all members.  The Chair proposed that this letter is issued which requests shared support from the schools together with the council and police.  Cllr Walker advised that this should not just be targeted at high schools and should also be sent to the local primary schools.

Cllr Priddin suggested that the play area has a close time which will then also give the police additional control if they are required to move the youths.

Cllr Ransome asked for the PCSO’s number to be shared but the Clerk advised that any incidents, concerns or issues need to raised and logged via 101 or in an emergency 999.  The PCSO number will be shared amongst Councillors for reference.

The council will write to the local primary schools, Castell Alun and Elfed High School.  A request to the police to attend the local schools.  The Millstone will now have a close time of ‘dusk’ and the appropriate signage will be sourced and placed as soon as reasonable possible.  This information will also be advertised on the council website and facebook.  The situation will be continually monitored.

Speed Signage

Cllr Williams provided members with information on various speed signs which the council could maybe consider purchasing and installing around the villages.  Members to review the signage options & provide comments & suggestions for the next meeting.

Website Accessibility and Training

The work on website has been completed and is now compliant for the Website Accessibility.  Cllr Bestwick has agreed to take on the role with the Clerk as Website Administrator and will be undertaking the necessary training on the 22nd.


Cllrs Walker and Ransome will continue to cover the pensioner’s homes for delivery any communication.

Due to the spike in cases and the new regulations, clarification was sought of the Penyffordd Covid19 Group.  Cllr Ransome will liaise with Penyffordd Covid19 Volunteer group to request an update.

Annual Grant Application

The Annual Grant posters will be advertised on the noticeboards, facebook and website.  The application forms will be available on the website and from the Clerk.  The closing date for all applications will be Friday 6th November 2020.

Internal Auditor Letter of Engagement

The revised Letter of Engagement was reviewed and approved.   JDH Business Services will be appointed as the Internal Auditor for 2020/21.

Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales – Draft Report 2021/22

The Independent Remuneration Panel draft Annual Report 2021/22 has now been published for consultation.  Comments to be submitted by 23rd November 2020. Sections 10 & 13 are applicable to Town and Community Councils.  The full report can be found here: The Independent Remuneration Panel Draft Annual Report 2021/22.  The council did not wish to make any comments.

Half Year Budget Review

a)    The Clerk provided the Council with copies of the quarterly summary, budget monitoring report and bank reconciliation (appendix A).  These documents were reviewed and no concerns were raised.  The Council approved the above which was authorised by a member of the Council other than the Chairman.

b)    In order to meet the requirements of the financial regulations and internet banking, it is necessary for a programme of regular checks of standing data with suppliers to be followed.  This requires a member to look through and certify a number of invoices and payment receipts.  This is not possible due to being unable to meet face to face and therefore this requirement will currently be suspended/waived and additional checks will be made at the earliest opportunity.

2020/21 Expenditure

The purpose of this regular review is not to amend the existing budget but to consider where expenditure either will not be spent or potentially could be reduced which could assist in preventing an increase to the precept for 2021/22.  Due to recently approved expenditure, this will be updated and presented at the November meeting.

Bank Balances and Accounts for Payment

To report balances of all bank accounts and to review and authorise monthly accounts for payment.

oct payments 2020.png

The above accounts be approved and processed for payment.  The list of accounts for payment will be signed by the Chairman of Council and/or the Chairman of Finance together with it being countersigned by two bank signatories at the first face to face meeting of the council.


The following correspondence was received and noted.

  • An email from resident regarding concerns of Mo’s Kitchen

  • OVW – October Training Sessions.

  • Planning Aid Wales Training.

  • Letter from Flintshire County Council regarding ‘Preparations for the Coming Winter’.

  • An invitation from the Chairman, Directors and the Staff of Menter Iaith Fflint a Wrecsam, Menter to attend their Annual General Meeting at 6:30pm, Tuesday 20th October, 2020.

  • An email from Awel y Môr regarding forthcoming plans for a virtual consultation on the Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm.  The consultations will be hosted via an online virtual platform on the Awel y Môr dedicated website between 3 - 30 November.

  • A letter from Friends of Penyffordd School regarding the consultation of their request to place a metal Dragon Bags clothes recycling bin outside of the school grounds.  They are liaising with the school and FCC with regard to seeking the necessary permission.  The council do not have any objections.

  • A request from the person responsible for the Defibrillator at the WMI for the council to fund the replacement light?  The council considered that a budget should be made available for next year to support ongoing maintenance of the village defibrillators and this request was approved in principle and will be included on the November agenda.

  • An email received from Hannah Bibby (Jack Sargeant’s PA) regarding the councils request to meet with Julie James.  They have advised that the Minister and Deputy Minister are both available for a virtual meeting on Monday 2 November, 17:30-18:15.  Cllrs Bestwick, Rothero, Williams and Hinds will attend on behalf of the council and members are to submit any questions ahead of the meeting.

  • FCC Winter Preparation Letter.  Cllr Wakelam advised that the salt bin that has previously been requested for the White Lion has still not be installed.  This will be followed up with FCC Streetscene. 

  • Notification of the following two Welsh Government Consultations:

o   Regulations to establish Corporate Joint Committees

o   Establishing the Town and Country Planning (Strategic Development Plan) (Wales)

Members Items/Future Agenda Items

  • Cllr Blackman reported that the Royal British Legion will be commemorating Remembrance Day, similar to that of VE Day and VJ Day.

  • Cllr Hinds requested the council to consider reviewing the clerks pay and hours.