Village Meeting - What you missed plus the presentation to download...


The meeting was well attended with a packaged Legion once again. Thank you to everyone who took the time to come along on a beautiful evening.

These are the comments and presentations from the Penyffordd Community Group:

We need as many people to object to the Vounog application as possible.

There were lots of questions asked and points raised on the night, particularly around buses, dog mess and children's play areas.

We covered these key areas:

Youth Club
There are discussions ongoing about taking the building over from Flintshire County Council as an asset transfer. It will need a lot of effort to make it work for the community. More to follow.

Memorial Institute
The funds from Taylor Wimpey have been cleared for use on the first phase of the Institute renovation with a small amount allocated to spend on Youth Club surveys.

Project Daffodil
The village have been donated 20,000 daffodil bulbs to plant in the autumn ready for next spring - we want to turn the village golden yellow! We will be asking for volunteers from teams, groups, clubs, schools and streets to collect some bulbs and get planting!

Place Plan
We explained that we are updating our Place Plan for 2018 and would welcome any feedback on what is in it currently. We are asking people to sign up to have the plan adopted by FCC as supplementary planning guidance - please sign up now (if you haven't already).

We explained that our three closest secondary schools are all at capacity and have turned away pupils in this intake.

We provided an update on Hawarden Road, Rhos Road x2 and Redrow - mostly no news.

We were happy to support this application which is going live in the coming days. The Dobshill team have this week confirmed that they have been able to swap the apartment building and the bungalow positions on the site.

We provided a number of reasons you could use to object to this application - the headlines are:

Housing Mix
- Executive not affordable
School Places
Over development
Working farm
Social harm
Policies - 

These are Flintshire Unitary Development Plan policies:

STR1 (which directs new development to land within settlement boundaries or allocated areas and only permits development in the open countryside where it is essential to have it there).

GEN3 (which does not permit development outside settlement boundaries or allocated areas except in certain circumstances, none of which are applicable in this case)

HSG4 (which does not permit housing development outside settlement boundaries unless it is essential it be located outside a settlement, and none of the circumstances are applicable to this case)

STR4 sought to provide for the housing needs of the County through a settlement hierarchy comprising category A (urban centres), B (semi urban/main villages) and C (rural/small villages). Penyffordd is a Category B settlement, described as “with a good nucleus of facilities, easily accessible by public transport and which have some potential for growth (8% - 15%). 

Agricultural Land 66% category 3b land and 33% category sub-3a land
Landscape and Visual Impact

Above all we need to share the human stories of harm that is being caused already in the village - the problems with people getting to work or elsewhere on public transport, the problems with not being able to afford to get a house to stay in the village, issues with flooding that never used to happen - all of these individual stories evidence 'harm' and why this development (on top of all the others) is not sustainable.

Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting.

You can download the full presentation from last night here.



Alan Wight