Vacancy for a Community Youth Representative

Penyffordd Community Council is looking to appoint one Community Youth Representative under the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 which enables Town/Community Councils to appoint up to two Community Youth Representatives.

The Youth Representative should be willing to serve a term of one year from the date of appointment. If still within the specified age range they will be eligible for re-appointment at the end of their term of office.

They may speak on all matters before the Council and will be asked in particular to provide a ‘youth view’. They may also take part in the discussions Sub Committees. As they are not Members of the Community Council they may not vote on matters before the Council.

You MUST be:

• aged over 15 but under the age of 26;(it should be noted that from the age of 18 you are eligible to become a full Community Councillor should a vacancy arise and you be elected or co-opted, at which point you would cease to be a Youth Representative but must assume the full duties of a Community Councillor – you cannot be both).

• considered by the Community Council to be suitable to act as a Community Representative, that is to represent the interests of those individuals who live, work or receive education or training in the community area who have not attained the age of 26.

If you feel you are suitable for this position please apply in writing to the Clerk (no more than one side of A4), stating why you would like to be a Community Youth Representative and what you could bring to that position; together with the names and addresses of two character references.

Applications must be received by the Clerk no later than Friday 8th February 2019. A short list of Candidates shall be drawn up by the Council and applicants will then be required to give a short presentation to the full Council.

Role Description

Mrs S A Hughes, Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
3 Old Chester Road, Ewloe, Deeside, Flintshire, CH5 3RU
Email: Tel: 01244 537032

The notice of vacancy will be advertised on the councils website and noticesboards. Copies will also be sent to Castell Alun High School, Hawarden High School, Elfed High School, Penyffordd Youth Club, Penyffordd Scouts and Guides.

Sarah Hughes