Minutes of the Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on

Wednesday 13th June 2018


Present:               Councillors Mr J Priddin (Chairman of the Council) Mr A Wight (Vice Chairman), Mr D Williams, Ms C Hinds, Mr D Walker, Mrs M Jones, Mrs E Davies, Mr R Bestwick, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs L Vidamour and Dr Smith-Bellis




In attendance:      Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council

                            Shelley Webber – FCC Domestic Energy Team, Healthy Homes Healthy People & Warm Homes Fund


39.      Election of Vice Chairman for the Year 2018/19


The Chairman reaffirmed that Cllr A Wight and Cllr R Bestwick had both been nominated for the position of Vice Chairman.  Cllr Wight agreed he would be willing to undertake this role and Cllr Bestwick advised he would stand down.


The Chairman therefore proposed Cllr Wight as Vice Chairman which was voted upon by show of hands and unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED: Cllr A Wight be voted as Vice Chairman for 2018-19, he accepted and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was witnessed by the Clerk.


40.      Apologies


Apologies were received from Councillor Mr M Rothero.


The Clerk advised the Council that she had received an email of resignation from Cllr S Kenworthy with immediate effect as unfortunately, she felt that she was unable to dedicate the time the role deserves.  The Clerk advised that in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1972 (Section 87(2)) she will display the Vacancy for a period of 14 days.


RESOLVED:  the Notice of Vacancy will be displayed and Flintshire County Council informed.  This will be included on the July agenda.


41.      Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct


There were no Declarations of Interest received.


42.      Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 9th May and 1st June 2018


RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


43.      Matters arising


Min 4  - Cllr Walker advised that he wished to resign from the position as School Governor at Ysgol Penyffordd as he was unable to attend the meetings.  The Chairman asked if any other member would be interested in the position.  Due to the meetings being held in the daytime, it causes a number of difficulties for members to attend.  Cllr Williams advised that historical meetings used to be held in the evening.  Cllr Wight feels that it is vitally important for the Council to have a representative on the governing body especially given the development at the school.  Cllr Wight agreed to cover the position on an interim basis and as a councillor vacancy has arisen possibly the new member may be interested in taking this role.


RESOLVED: the Clerk will write to Ysgol Penyffordd to advise of the change in representation and also request if the Governing Body would consider holding evening meetings.


Min 8 – Cllr Bestwick asked the Clerk for confirmation of the amended Annual Insurance Renewal with Zurich.  The Clerk apologised she had not provided this information and will pass the details to Cllr Bestwick.


44.      Public Questions


Cllr Williams had been asked by two local residents to raise; 1) concerns of grass cutting within the village and 2) concerns of traffic in and around the new school build.  There was an incident of a large wagon arriving at the school during nursery pick up which hit the gate post when entering the school, the driver had apparently commented that the access was too narrow.


45.    Visitors


Shelley Webber - Domestic Energy Team, Healthy Homes Healthy People and Warm Homes Fund.


Ms Webber gave a brief presentation to the council explaining that of the £3.5 million funding which has been secured, there will be £2.7 million available for investment to assist the most vulnerable residents of Flintshire (installation of central heating, gas supply, fuel poverty, residents with children under 5 yrs of age, residents who currently have storage heaters). This investment project will be undertaken over the next 3 years.


There are two categories; Cat 1 - on grid properties would be by way of; mains gas supply, central heating. Outer skirts (rural areas); Cat 2 – would look at renewable energy.  There is two parts to the funding 1- installing gas supply to the property and 2 – central heating and costings.


SW explained all properties whether private owned, rental or council. With investments made into rental or private properties there would be a need for negotiations e.g if a rental property required gas central heating, they would liaise with the landlord to negotiate any further home improvements (if they are less than standard condition) needed to assist the resident to live in a healthy and warm home.


SW asked if members could provide her with information on clubs and societies within the area, if there were aware of areas or residents who could benefit from this scheme to contact her team. For areas where it is felt residents could benefit from this project SW and her team would initially do a leaflet drop in advance of making house to house calls.


Cllr Wight asked SW to provide the council with posters and a digital copy and they would put up on the noticeboards and website.


Cllr Williams asked about properties within Dobshill that currently do not have access to mains gas supply.  SW advised she is aware of these properties and is currently looking into this.


The Chairman thanked Ms Webber for her time and the presentation for a wonderful initiative.


* Ms Webber left the meeting at 6.55pm


46.      Asset Register


The Clerk made the necessary amendments and presented the updated Asset Register for approval.


RESOLVED: the Asset Register was approved.


47.      Annual Return for the Year Ended 31 March 2018


The Clerk presented to the Chairman all the supporting information to accompany the Annual Return for certification.


RESOLVED: all supporting information was certified by the Chairman and Clerk.  The Clerk will now officially submit    the Annual Return to the External Auditors.


48.      Community Transport/Bus Services


FCC have extended the closing date to Town & Community Councils for the Consultation on Flintshire County Councils Bus Network Review.  A copy of the consultation was circulated with the agenda.


Flintshire County Council subsidises 24 bus routes through either standalone contracts or agreements with commercial operators to provide services that are not commercially viable, such as early morning, evening, via certain villages etc. While some Local Authorities have stopped subsidising bus travel altogether, Flintshire are not taking that approach. However, there is a need to ensure an effective and integrated bus network into the future, and services must be sustainable, affordable and meet the changing and prioritised needs of our residents.


A full review of the current bus network is being undertaken to establish current and future demands on the network and create a sustainable, equitable and stable transport system which fits the needs of local communities and the wider employment and social sector demand.


The Council has been asked to consider, within their area the demand for public transport and which of the four proposed options would best suit the needs of their community.


1. Stop subsidising bus services altogether

2. Continue to support the services currently subsidised

3. Support services on the core bus network and implement Local Travel arrangements for the non-core network

4. Support services on the core bus network and implement a demand responsive ‘ring and ride’ service


RESOLVED: the Council will provide a response to the consultation supporting Option 3 - Support services on the core bus network and implement Local Travel arrangements for the non-core network

49.      Working Groups


Cllr Wight suggested this be included on the July agenda and requested that the Clerk circulate to members a copy of the Place Plan which details the headings of the Working Groups and details of possibly actions to undertake.  These can then be reviewed to ensure if they are still applicable and to appoint actions to the Working Groups.


RESOLVED: this will be included on the July agenda.  Members will be provided with a copy of the Place Plan detailing a list of actions under each Working Group heading.


50.      Millstone Playing Field


Cllr Hinds reported that the old fencing has now been removed and the new fence nearly completed.  She thanked the 7 volunteers she had assisting her with the work over the weekend.  There may be a possibility of the need for an additional skip to remove the remaining waste.  Also, there are areas that will require spraying with weedkiller, Cllr Davies advised Mr S Davies will be able to assist with this.


Richard Roberts informed the council of repairs required for the titan rope swing together with a quote of £188+vat for parts only and FCC would arrange for installation.  He also raised the issue of the surfacing under the titan and offered suggestions of a new layer of grassmat surfacing on top of the existing or alternatively a wetpour surface under the Titan, this would be the same finish as the new play equipment next to the Titan.


Cllr Williams requested the clerk to question what the warranty was on the equipment and grassmatting?  He had previously obtained a quote for the groundworks under the titan which was in the region of £1800.


The Clerk agreed to ascertain the details of the warranty, but sought approval from the council should the warranty have expired to proceed with the titan rope swing to be repaired at a cost of £188.


The Clerk reported that following reports of damage to the muga fencing, Ludus have agreed to undertake these repairs free of charge.  The work will be completed within the next couple of weeks.  She also advised that a site meeting was had with Ludus, Cllrs Priddin, Hinds and herself to ascertain alternative soundproofing options for the skate ramps.  Andy Brown is reviewing the feasibility of these options and will report back to the council.


Cllr Wakelam asked the council to consider installation of additional benches and dog bins on the area.  Cllr Williams advised as the council had agreed to a 50% contribution of purchasing a new bench with the Youth Club he is liaising with the club to ascertain what they would like. 


Cllrs Wakelam and Williams will site visit the Millstone to assess what additional seating and bins would be required and will report back to the council.


RESOLVED: with regard to the titan play equipment, the Clerk will request details of the equipment and grassmat warranty.  If the equipment is out of warranty she will authorise Richard Roberts to proceed with the rope repairs at a cost of £188.vat .  This will be included on the July agenda.


The report on the fencing and muga was received and noted.


Cllrs Wakelam and Williams will review the Millstone and report to the council what additional seating and bins would be required.


51.      Planning Applications


a)     To review and consider Planning Applications received.

                     i.    Ref: 058467.  Erection of first floor extension to rear of dwelling.  Rose Cottage, 2 Chester Road, Penyffordd.  Support

                    ii.    Notification from Wrexham County Borough Council of the extension of Public Consultation Deadline regarding the Wrexham Local Development Plan.


Cllr Wight and Williams asked if there were any other planning applications as they were aware of a further three for the area.  The Clerk advised she had only received the one application and will enquiry with FCC Planning.


            RESOLVED: the above comments will be reported to Flintshire County Council Planning. 


b)     To receive Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council.

                     i.    Ref: 058136.  Change of use from 1no. dwelling into 2no. dwellings and erection of a garage for dwelling 1 and garden store for dwelling 2.   Pheasant Fields, Lower Mountain Road, Penyffordd.  Approved

                    ii.    Ref: 058187.  Erection of garage.  2 Fairview, Penyffordd.  Withdrawn

                   iii.    Ref: 058117.  Conversion of barn to 1no. residential dwelling with associated parking.  Rhydd Farm, Rhos Road, Penyffordd.  Refused


RESOLVED: the above be received and noted.


c)      To review Ongoing and Proposed Planning Applications.

                     i.    Penyffordd Single Site School

                    ii.    Land at Chester Road, Penymynydd

Cllr Wight reported that Andrew Farrow, Chief Officer of Planning – FCC has confirmed that their barrister is currently looking into this.  AW and JSB have reviewed all the documents and a judicial review is only able if there potentially has been failing in a procedural or legal matter. AW has requested a solicitor to briefly review the documents and his advice was there was nothing evident to which a case could be bought, however, it is sincerely hoped that FCC pursue this matter further.

Cllr Walker questioned the matter that was brought to the table at the extraordinary meeting that members would consider a full council resignation?  Members will not be making a decision until they are aware whether FCC have requested a judicial review.

Cllr Wight feels that the council needs to draw attention to the injustice of this.  Cllr Wight proposed that an emergency meeting is requested with FCC within the next few days.  There is a fundamental problem as there has been two planning applications where the whole way the planning system works has completed failed.  He feels that there is a duty of care from FCC to defend their authority in their patch, not only for Penyffordd but for Flintshire.  This was agreed by the council and an invitation will be made to attend a meeting on Monday 18th June to the following: Colin Everett – FCC, Andrew Farrow –FCC, David Wisinger – FCC, Chris Bithell – FCC, Aaron Shotton, Bernie Attridge, Mark Tami, Jack Sargent, Lesley Griffiths, Carwyn Jones, Llyr Gruffydd.  Cllr Williams will request a meeting room at County Hall and will confirm with the Clerk asap.

Cllr Wight reported that he is receipt of a copy letter from Mark Tami to Lesley Griffiths which made reference to why the decision could not have waited under the completion of the TAN1 consultation.

Cllr Williams reiterated the correspondence received on 22nd May from Welsh Assembly advising that it was unlikely that the decision would be made by the indicative target date of the 24th May, however the decision was issued on 25th May.

Cllr Smith Bellis questioned whether a request could be made for Lesley Griffiths to be deselected as it was felt that she was not doing her job in that of protecting green spaces?  And could the council increase press coverage.

Cllr Hinds advised that she has written to Lesley Griffiths, Carwyn Jones and Jack Sargent and she has not received one reply.

                   iii.    Rhos Road (Retirement)

                  iv.    Rhos Road (40)

                    v.    Vounog Hill

                  vi.    Dobshill (former Council Depot).


RESOLVED:  ii)  An invitation will be made to attend an emergency meeting on Monday 18th June to the following: Colin Everett – FCC, Andrew Farrow –FCC, David Wisinger – FCC, Chris Bithell – FCC, Aaron Shotton, Bernie Attridge, Mark Tami, Jack Sargent, Lesley Griffiths, Carwyn Jones, Llyr Gruffydd.  Cllr Williams will request a meeting room at County Hall and will confirm with the Clerk asap.


A decision on whether members will submit a full council resignation will not be made until they are aware of whether FCC have requested a judicial review.


52.      Youth Club Building and Surrounding Site


Cllr Williams reported that a meeting had been held at the Youth Club with FLVC to discuss submitting an Expression of Interest.  Cllr Wight informed that they were advised of a similar building in Trueddyn costing in the region of £12,000 per year to run, where as FCC have advised this building costs in the region of £70,000.  Working at the £12,000 figure he felt that this was more realistic.  If the Council were to submit an EOI this would allow a more detailed report of costings.  He proposed that the Council submit a formal EOI which was agreed by the council.


RESOLVED: the Council will submit a formal expression of interest on the youth club building.


53.      Community Council’s Year End Report & Newsletter


Cllr Williams advised that due to other matters arising he has been unable to complete the draft report/newsletter.  He will aim to complete and circulate to members in advance of the July meeting.


RESOLVED: Cllr Williams will finalise the draft report, circulate to members in advance of the July meeting for the Council’s approval at the July meeting.


54.      First World War Centenary


Cllr Davies reported that the Penyffordd Institute are looking to organise an event including bands, singers, community choir to held on the Friday evening.  Cllr Hinds reported that the school children will be producing artwork which will be displayed in the institute.


As a proposal Cllr Priddin has obtained costings for a Silent Solider from the Royal British Legion for a cost of a donation for each design of £250 which includes delivery.


The Silhouettes come in Tommy, Navy, RAF, Commonwealth, Nurse, Munitions Worker and Suffragette designs.


Cllr Wakelam suggested a silhouette for each village.


RESOLVED: the Council will purchase 3 silhouettes.  Tommy – to be located at Dobshill roundabout, Tommy – to be located at the Millennium Clock Penyffordd and Nurse – to be located in Penymynydd (St Johns Church, if approved). 


55.      Best Kept Communities Competition


Due to the length of the meeting members proposed to carry this forward to the July meeting.


RESOLVED: this will be included on the July agenda.


56.      Telephone Kiosk – Alyn Drive


Due to the length of the meeting members proposed to carry this forward to the July meeting.


RESOLVED: this will be included on the July agenda.


57.      Traffic Management/Calming


Cllr Wakelam reported that he had received a number of complaints and concerns regarding the entrance to the Groves and also the number of HGV wagons travelling, some at speed, past St Johns School (A5104)


Cllr Williams advised that he would be meeting with Mike Eastwood tomorrow and he would be looking at the entrance to the Groves estate.


Cllr Wakelam made comment that since the ‘Gateway’ junction opened off the A55, this has seen an increase of HGV’s taking a shortcut along the A5104, he asked if the council would support a letter to FCC requesting that the road for HGV’s is access only.


RESOLVED: Cllr Williams will look at the entrance/exit concern to the Grove will Mike Eastwood.  The council will write to FCC Highways with a request of the A5104 being access only for HGV’s


58.      GDPR – Policies, Procedures and Notices


Following the new GDPR which came into force on 25th May and the GDPR Audit undertaken by Microshade, the Clerk present the council with all document which will now be required.  She requested that these were reviewed, considered and adopted by the Council.


Due to the length of the meeting members proposed to carry this forward to the July Meeting.


RESOLVED: this will be included on the July agenda.


59.      Correspondence


The following correspondence was received, acknowledged and noted.


·        Email from Darryl Peers, Play Scheme Area Co-ordinator.  He has taken the role of supervisor and is always looking for areas to improve. Therefore, he would like to ask for your opinion as to how you feel the Playscheme went last year, and if you feel there were any issues that need to be addressed for the coming summer?

RESOLVED: there were no comments to report.

·        Correspondence from Taylor Wimpey with regard to the Groves Play Area.  They have confirmed that they arrange a programme of works commencing 25 June for the rectification of the multi-use play equipment.  Once the work has been completed they will liaise with FCC with regard to adopted.  This has been provisionally agreed for 3rd July.

·        The next County Forum will be held on 19th June at Leeswood Community Centre, 6.30pm

·        SLCC - the House of Commons has accepted a Government amendment to the Data Protection Bill which, once the Bill has been enacted, will exempt all town, parish and community councils from the requirement to appoint a Data Protection Officer. All other requirements of the GDPR will apply and will come into force on 25th May.  Although the requirement of a DPO is exempt, it is still considered best practice.

·        PCSO Ellis provided a police report.

RESOLVED: the above was received and noted.

60.      Members Items (AOB)


·        Cllr Wight requested that Noticeboards be included on the July agenda.

·        Cllr Priddin raised that the current Hanson monitoring system at the bowling club is due to be removed due the age of the system and a new digital one will be installed in the stack.  Cllr Williams suggested writing to Natural Resource Wales expressing concerns that the monitoring is not independent and seek guidance.

RESOLVED: the council will write to Natural Resource Wales to seek clarification and guidance with regard to the monitoring systems being reviewed independently.








Chair………………………………………………….. 11th July 2018