Minutes of the Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on

Wednesday 12th September 2018


Present:               Councillors Mr J Priddin (Chairman of the Council) Mr A Wight (Vice Chairman), Ms C Hinds, Mr D Walker, Mrs M Jones, Mrs E Davies, Mr R Bestwick, Mr R Wakelam and Mr M Rothero.




In attendance:      Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council

                            1 x Visitor                

                            PCSO Andrea Ellis

Ian Williams – FCC Streetscene

                            Stuart Ross and Ian Oakes – Natural Resources Wales


100.    Apologies


Apologies were received from Councillors Mr D Williams and Dr J Smith-Bellis


101.   Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct


There were no Declarations of Interest received.


102.   Visitors


                     i.        PCSO Andrea Ellis.  A report had been circulated to members prior to the meeting to review.  AE informed members that she was following up the incident of the silhouette being stolen and was aware it had now been found.  She is reviewing cctv footage and has also asked that of local business.

She advised that she will be on leave for a few weeks and that other officers will be covering the area.  Any incidents can be reported via 101, 999 or webmaster.  On her return she is hopeful to attend the October council meeting and will advise of any future dates of ‘Cuppa with a Copper’.


*AE left and MR & RB arrived at 6.40pm


                    ii.        Ian Williams – Area Co-ordinator FCC Streetscene.  IW introduces himself as the replacement for Mike Eastwood.  IW has been with the council for over 22 years and has previously covered other areas of Flintshire.  He is still going through a hand over process with ME and is aiming to deal with the issues as soon as possible.

Cllr Wakelam asked about the replacement road sign for Fammau View.  IW advised he was aware of this and also a number of other wooden street signs that require upgrading, all of which will be gradually done.  RW also raised the issue of the uneven track on the bridle path, Penymynydd, which has arose due to tractor ruts and that a very large an heavy commemorative stone has been uplifted.  IW will attend site and assess.


*Cllr Wight arrived 6.45pm.


The Clerk asked if IW would be happy for members to contact him direct with issues or to go through Streetscene?  IW advised he would prefer direct contact either by phone or email; 07711 437904 or


Cllr Wight advised the community would welcome any pre information on intended works and the community council have means of communicating via social media, website and noticeboards.


*IW left at 6.50pm


                   iii.        Stuart Ross & Ian Oakes – Natural Resources Wales.  They both gave an introduction and brief background on their experience. 


Cllr Hinds sought reassurance for residents following the removal of the monitor.  Cllr Jones explained this was mentioned in the last Liaison Meeting and had been advised that Hanson would be sending letters to all residents.


Cllr Wight expressed concerns of Hanson self-monitoring and reporting to NRW.  Obviously burning chemicals that we do not know, is a genuine cause of concern as is the dust omissions over a period of time.  There have been a number of complaints regarding the noise (sounds like a wailing cow).  It just feels very uncomfortable that there does not seem to be a very robust monitoring.  SR explained details of the Environmental Permit, the requirements and standards.  The omissions are tested continually with tight omission values.  Not only is the stack monitored, but all the small areas are constantly monitored such as the cement mills.  A requirement of the Permit is that Hanson are required to keep the data for 6 years and they have to report to NRW quarterly and any breaches would have to be reported immediately.  NRW also audit the whole monitoring system and a regular basis.  NRW can attend site at any time.


Cllr Hinds asked whether the monitoring should be undertaken by someone independent? SR replied that although the Test Houses are employed by Hanson they do have to follow standards otherwise they would lose their accreditation.  IO advised that they are not employees of Hanson, but that Hanson buy in the services of the Test House.


Cllr Bestwick asked about the removal of the monitoring system at the bowling club.  SR explained when kiln 4 was permitted in 2004 there was a requirement in the permit that there would be a monitoring station at the bowling green for a period of 12 months to attempt to confirm that the omissions for the kiln was not breaching air quality standards.  This station actually stayed for 6-7 years.  Data from this station was reported to Enviro Agency and data reviewed by Public Health Wales. As part of PHW assessment their conclusion was there was no evidence showing significant harm to health.  In 2013 Hanson applied to NRW to remove the requirement for the monitoring station following the report from PHW, which NRW could not refuse the removal of the station as there was no evidence to support the requirement for it following the report from PHW.


SR was unable to advise what Hanson did with the data from the monitoring station after 2013 as it was no longer a requirement under the permit, Hanson no longer had to report the data results to NRW.


*MR left the room 7.05pm


Cllr Hinds asked if there were aware if Hanson bring waste from abroad.  SR advised not to his knowledge.


Cllr Priddin questioned the removal of the monitoring station coincides with the installation of the new mill – is that a coincidence?  Concerns that there were reports that the kiln was second hand and refused by other countries.  SR advised the kiln is branch new and the cement mill has been brought in from Spain which is a modern design.


Cllr Wakelam advised residents’ concerns of dust, although it may not come from the stack it comes from other areas of the compound which aren’t monitored as strictly.


SR advised that of NRW were made aware of any issues or received complaints they would follow up and investigate.


*MR returned 7.15pm


Cllr Hinds asked if they were satisfied that residents won’t come to any harm?  SR responded that no permit would be issued if there were any concerns.  Hanson are on the whole compliant but obviously not perfect. 


IO explained that the bowling club monitoring station was used for additional monitoring.  Following the PHW assessment and that there were no significant findings, PHW stated that the monitoring station was not offering any additional information which NRW took the view to permit Hanson to remove in 2013.  Cllr Walker asked that if Hanson kept it there for a further 5 years, what happened to the data during this time?  SR advised that Hanson had no requirement to report data from this particular station so do not know what happened to it or whether it was reviewed.


Cllr Wakelam asked if NRW would review data produced by a resident on health reports and concerns.  IO advised that information of this kind would be referred to PHW.


SR confirmed Mill 5 was under construction.  Cllr Wight asked whether any additional monitoring or planning will be undertaken by NRW?  SR advised that Mill 5 will be taking the majority of the work and therefore limited use of the older mills.  The new mill will have much lower omissions and will be monitored. Cllr Wight mentioned the rail roading which SR confirmed will also be monitored.


Cllr Wight asked if there were any prospects for more monitoring or were NRW satisfied?  Also how many failings before NRW would step in?  SR confirmed they have a system in place for any breach, scored on severity 1-4 (1 being severe).  The process would range from warning letters, enforcements, revoking permits and prosecution.  The scores which NRW award will also impact the fees in which Hanson pay e.g bad performance equals increased fees, which gives a financial incentive to be a good operative and compliant. Cllr Wight therefore asked if Hanson pay fees to be regulated on the monitoring that is done on site is undertaken by an independent organisation, doesn’t it make it more independent if they were paid by NRW from the fees Hanson pay them, rather than Hanson paying and choosing their own?  IO advised

Hanson pay for the permit, pay for NRW to regulate and assess.  They also pay (Test Houses) to have their monitoring substantiated as accurate.  NRW undertake audits on their equipment, how equipment is used, how equipment behaves and people have to be certified to a certain standard.


Both SR & IO advised for the community to report any issues, concerns or incidents direct to NRW; or 0300 065 3000.  They would also be interested in receiving information on matters of noise levels; either increasing or decreasing.


The Chairman thanked them both for attending and the information they have provided.


SR & IO left 7.45pm


103.   Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 11th July 2018


RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


104.   Matters arising


Min 74 & 54 - The 3 x silent solider silhouettes have been installed by Cllr Wakelam in the locations of Penyffordd (Millennium Clock), Penymynydd (Church) and Dobshill (garage roundabout) which the Chairman thanked him for.  Disappointment was obviously expressed at the recent event where the Penyffordd silhouette had been stolen, however has since been found.


The Clerk advised that these have been added to the Council’s insurance with no additional premium to be paid.


RESOLVED: received and noted.


Min 74 & 57 - A response has now been received from Mark Middleton regarding the letter sent to Steve Jones re: A5104.  A copy of the response had been included with the agenda for member’s information.


Cllr Wakelam raised the safety concern of no safety barrier outside of St Johns School and asked for this to be raised with FCC.


RESOLVED: the correspondence from MM was received and noted.  A letter will be sent to FCC with regard to a safety barrier outside of St Johns School, Penymynydd.


Min 75 - An invitation was sent to Officers from FCC Education to attend the September meeting, however, due to now having a visitor from Natural Resource Wales as well as the police and Streetscene, it was agreed with the Chairman and Vice Chair to postpone the invitation to the October meeting.  As yet I have not received confirmation of attendance from these officers.


RESOLVED: a follow up invitation will be made to attend the October meeting.


Min 78 ii - FCC have advised that following the council’s proposals they are happy to proceed with; Clos Beau Mount and Cwrt Jones.


Min 86 – Cllr Wakelam advised that he is yet to measure the kiosk for the replacement Perspex but will endeavour to do this as soon as possible.  Cllr Davies offered the services of Mr Davies for the installation if needed.


Min 88 - BT have confirmed that the derelict phonebox in Penymynydd is still on the list to be removed, however, they have had issues with the previous contractor which has incurred delays.  She is aware that this box has been on the list for a number of years and although was unable to confirm when it would be removed, she gave her reassurances it will be done.  BT have also confirmed that they will be collecting from Cllr Wakelam the glass panel from the phonebox located near the millennium clock.


            RESOLVED: the above was received and noted.


105.   Public Questions


There were no public questions received.


106.   Councillor Vacancies


The Chairman asked the visitor to leave the room during this item as she was the applicant.


                     i.        Only one application for the vacancy was received, which had been received after the closing date. The application was provided to members with the agenda for consideration.  It was a unanimous decision to co-opt Mrs Pat Ransome.

                    ii.        The Clerk informed the Council that she had received an email of resignation from Cllr L Vidamour with immediate effect.  Cllr Vidamour had served on the Council for 12 years. The Clerk advised that in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1972 (Section 87(2)) she will display the vacancy for a period of 14 days.



                     i.        The Council unanimously agreed for Mrs Pat Ransome to fill the current vacancy and a signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office will be included on the October agenda.

                    ii.        the Notice of Vacancy will be displayed and Flintshire County Council informed.  This will be included on the October agenda.


Mrs Ransome was invited back into the meeting.  The Chairman congratulated her on her success and asked her to join the meeting, however, her role as Councillor will not be official until the Declaration of Acceptance of Office is signed at the October meeting.


107.   Summer Recess – Delegated Powers


There were no urgent matters that arose during the summer recess.


108.   Insurance Claim - Car Accident in the area of the Millennium Clock


Following the car accident at the millennium clock which occurred on the 19th August 2018 damaging the stone bench, wall and commemorative bench, the Clerk advised an insurance claim is in process.


The excess for the claim will be £100.  The Council will be required to pay for the repairs and Zurich will reimburse the Council minus the £100 excess. 


Quotes have been obtained and provided to Zurich; commemorative bench (£567.60 inc vat) and repairs to the stone wall and seat (£825).  The repairs to the stone bench does not include the wooden seat slats, however, Cheshire Builders, Broughton have offered and agreed to replace the wooden seat slats free of charge (on both stone benches).


The Clerk is awaiting authorisation from Zurich to proceed with the repairs and as soon as this is received she will instruct the stone mason to commence the stone work and she will place the order for the commemorative bench.  As payments for the above will initially be made by the council and claimed back via Zurich, the Clerk sought approval from the Council that once Zurich have approved the work, she can place orders and make the necessary payments (obviously securing the required bank signatories).


Members requested that this work is completed as soon as possible due to the remember parade in November.


RESOLVED: the above report was received and noted.  The Council approved the Clerk to make the necessary orders and payments as soon as required.  The Clerk will continue to pursue Zurich Insurance as a matter of priority.


109.   External Audit of Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2018


The external audit has now been completed and returned.  There were three points raised in their report, which are as follows:


1. Approval of the Annual Return

The council have not entered the minute reference and date for the approval of the accounting statements and annual governance statement.

Recommendation – The council must ensure that all relevant boxes are fully complete before submitting the annual return for audit.


2.Expenditure powers – S137 power incorrectly used

Payments were made to one or more of the following; a local social, sports or youth club which could have been authorised under S19 of the Local Government (Misc Provisions) Act 1976, power to provide recreational facilities within and outside of the area.

Recommendation – The council must ensure in future years that it reviews the list of statutory powers available to council to establish if a power exist before replying on S137 to authorise a payment.  The statutory power being used to authorise expenditure should be recorded alongside the item to demonstrate the council has properly followed its standing order and financial regulations,


3.Internal auditor’s recommendation

The internal auditor has made a recommendation to the council.

Recommendation – The council must implement the recommendation made by the internal auditor to improve the financial systems of the council as soon as possible and in any event before the end of the current financial year.


Clerks Report and Proposed Action:


1.This was a disappointing error which could have been easily avoided.  Extra care and attention will be made in the future.


2. Grants paid to Penyffordd Bowling Club and Pontblyddyn Cricket Club had been marked under the power of S.137 which was incorrect as there was another power that should have been used.  To prevent this from occurring again an extra column will be added to the accounts expenditure and going forward will include the statutory power for all payments which will hopefully prevent any further issues arising.


3. This has been commented by the external auditor to indicate they fully support the recommendations made by the internal auditor.  This refers to the internal auditor’s recommendations to create a Terms of Reference for the S106 project and also obtaining receipts for significant grant payments (eg £4000 to the WMI).  A draft Terms of Reference has already been drawn up in preparation for the WMI to agree and accept and a system is now in place to ensure that a receipt is obtained for any significant grants


RESOLVED: the above report was received and noted.  The Council accepts and approves the Annual Return   Ended 31 March 2018.  The Notice of Conclusion of Audit will now be displayed for 14 days.  The requisite   information (which is the accounting statement part 1 & 2, Auditor General for Wales’ Audit Certificate and report     Issues arising from the audit) will be made available upon request and will be uploaded to the Councils website.


110.   Working Groups


Members had been provided with details under each heading taken from the Place Plan to provide guidance on what projects can be focussed upon and were due to meet during the summer recess.

·        Community / History / Social – members of this group met during the summer recess and have commenced complying a historical report on the village.

·        Transport – Cllr Hinds advised transportation is needed for the village and she is in talks with FCC.  Cllr Wakelam enquired the usage of the Community Transport Scheme.  Cllr Walker advised he had obtained the recent figures as follows: July – 43 journeys, August – 42 journeys.  It was felt that residents are not fully aware of this scheme and it was suggested to include information of this together with other transport services in the Newsletter.

Cllr Hinds and Walker are looking to meet with Broughton and Kinnerton to ascertain options to link the services.

·        Environment – nothing to report.

·        Economy / Business – nothing to report.

·        Housing / Planning – members of the group have been in contact communication via the summer recess.


Mrs Ransome expressed an interest in joining both the Environment and Community/History/Social Working Groups.


RESOLVED: the above was received and noted and will continue to be an agenda item.  Transportation information will be collated by Cllrs Walker, Hinds and Wakelam to be included with the newsletter.


111.   Millstone Playing Field


                     i.    Richard Roberts has confirmed the titan rope swing has been repaired.  The Clerk spoke with him regarding repairs to the grassmat and has received the following proposal.  ‘The cost of replacing the worn Rope ladder has been picked up from FCC Maintenance Budget.  With regards to the solution to address the worn grass mat surface on the Titan swing I would suggest a replacement with wetpour safer surfacing, the item is a high usage item and in keeping with the new installations at Millstone it would be better to future proof the surface with wetpour also by having it the same level as other existing wetpour areas in the vicinity.  If acceptable I would like to suggest a contribution equivalent to the grass mat replacement cost of £3,000 towards the wetpour cost and if you are agreeable the remaining costs required for a wetpour surface could be met from Match funding.  If you would like to discuss in further detail on site I am available’.  It is understood the cost of wetpour for this area would be in the region of approx. £6000 – 7000.


Cllr Wakelam still aired his concern that even if wetpour was installed the ground has sunk and there would be risk of it sinking again.  He Clerk advised that RR would be willing to attend a site meeting to discuss.


                    ii.    Cllrs Priddin and Hinds advised that they have been informed by a resident that following the installation of new fence and removal of weeds etc, it has now infact left a small gap at either end where a child could fit through.



                     i.    A site meeting will be requested with Richard Roberts for Friday 21st September (pm), where Cllr Wakelam, the Clerk and any other member who is available will attend to discuss this concern further.

                    ii.    Cllr Hinds will contact the fencing contractors to seek if they are able to rectify the issue.


112.   Redrow Development, Chester Road, Penymynydd


Cllr Wight reported that Redrow currently have three planning application; advertising, site layout and housing designs.  There does not seem to be any major impact for the charges.  He has spoken with Redrow to request a clear report of the changes.


As the development is going ahead the council now wants lease harm and benefit for the community.


He will continue to liaise with Redrow and will request information such as; timeline, working hours, damage/effect on neighbours.  He and the Planning Working Group are meeting Redrow on Friday 14th September at 3.30pm at the Youth Club.


RESOLVED: the above was received and noted.  The Working Group will report back on the information received at the meeting.


113.   Planning Applications


a)     To review and consider Planning Applications received.

                     i.    Ref: 058252.  Construction of a menage.  Blackbrook Farm, Lower Mountain Lane, Penyffordd.  Support

                    ii.    Ref: 058759 Application for removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission 055590.  Land at Chester Road, Penymynydd.  Due to the size and complexity of this application, the Council would like to request a report detailing the amendments.

                   iii.    Notification of application being included on the Planning Committee agenda 5th September 2018.  Ref: 057388 Outline application for the erection of up to 36 units of over-55 retirement housing, open space and associated infrastructure with details of site access.  Land South of Rhos Road.  Refused at Committee

                  iv.    Notification of application being included on the Planning Committee agenda 5th September 2018.Ref: 058164 Outline application for residential development.  Land east of Vounog Hill, Penyffordd.  Refused at Committee

                    v.    Ref: 058710.  Single storey front extension with garage conversion and internal alternations.  1 Aspen Way, Penyffordd.  Support

                  vi.    Ref: 058689.  Application for the approval of details reserved by condition 17 (wildlife management scheme) and 18 (landscaping/woodland management system) attached to planning permission ref: 057343.  Castle Cement Ltd, Chester Road, Padeswood.  No Comment


            RESOLVED: the above comments will be reported to Flintshire County Council Planning. 


b)       To receive Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council.

                     i.    Ref: 058335. Erection of rear single storey extension sun room with conversion of existing garage and erection of new detached garage.  59 Hawarden Road, Penyffordd Approved

                    ii.    Ref: 058467. Erection of first floor extension to rear of the dwelling.  Rose Cottage, 2 Chester Road, Penyffordd.  Approved after completing legal agreement.

                   iii.    Ref: 058504.  Erection of single storey rear extension.  8 Green Meadow Rise, Penymynydd.  Approved

                  iv.    Ref: 058074.  Application for the approval of details reserved by condition nos. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12 & 13 attached to planning permission ref. 057599.  Ysgol Penyffordd, Abbotts Lane, Penyffordd.  Approved

                    v.    Ref: 058310.  Erection of 24 no. dwellings and associated gardens and car parking.  Land West of Greenwood Grange, Chester Road, Dobshill.  Approved

                  vi.    Ref: 058553.  Display of V-stack sign.  Land at Chester Road, Penymynydd.  Approved


RESOLVED: the above be received and noted.


c)        To review Ongoing and Proposed Planning Applications.

                     i.    Penyffordd Single Site School – the build is progressing well.

                    ii.    Rhos Road (Retirement) – refused by FCC Planning Committee

                   iii.    Rhos Road (40) – ongoing, nothing further to report.

                  iv.    Vounog Hill – refused by FCC Planning Committee

                    v.    Dobshill (former Council Depot) – planning application has been approved.


RESOLVED:  the above was received and noted.


114.   Youth Club Building and Surrounding Site


Cllr Wight reported that he has received an information pack from the Community Asset Transfer which provided running costs for the Youth Club building at £12,000pa.


Cllr Wight suggested to explore the possibilities, legal implications and requirements of the non profit limited company, which was established during the Redrow objection process, taking on the building.  Members who are currently listed are Cllrs Hinds, Williams, Priddin, Wakelam and Wight.  Cllr Wight advised any members would be welcome to be involved.  Contact will be made with FCC with regard to the above and to commence preparing a business plan.


RESOLVED: Cllr Wight will liaise with FCC to establish any legal implications/requirements of the non profit limited company and to commence preparing a business plan.


115.   Newsletter


Cllr Williams has drafted the newsletter and circulated to all members to review and provided feedback.  He is also going to obtain costings for printing.  With regard to distribution he has asked if all members could possibly assist.


Members advise they had not fully reviewed the newsletter and requested it to be included on the October agenda.


The Clerk asked if they could provide feedback and comments to Cllr Williams as soon as possible.


RESOLVED: this will be included on the October agenda.


116.   Noticeboards


Cllr Williams has installed the new pin board to the Jemoleys noticeboard and has sought approval from Jemoleys to paint the board more in keeping with the building.  This will be done on his return from holiday.  He is also still in the planning application process for the new Penyffordd board and will ensure this is priority on his return.


RESOLVED: the above reported was received and noted.


117.   Hawarden Road Parking Issues (area of the Spar)


Cllrs Priddin, Hinds and Williams met with the Highways Officer a number of weeks ago to review the ongoing concerns of parking and to review options to improvement the parking issues of the Spar, Hawarden Road. 


FCC provided two possible schemes for restricted parking outside the Spar both of which was fully considered by the above Cllrs taking into account pro’s and con’s for each.  Details were circulated to all members for consideration.  Option1 – Double yellow lines but NOT in the lay-by & Option 2 – Double yellow line INCLDUING the lay-by.


            Cllr Priddin advised that if the above work was to be undertaken it would be at the cpst of the Community Council                      (approx. £2-3k) or would be included on the waiting list which could take approx. 3-4 years.


            The proposal were reviewed and discussed, whilst all members acknowledged there was an issue, there were           mixed opinions on the proposals with concerns that yellow lines will impact resident parking and move the spar        parking issues elsewhere.  A vote was taken on the proposals; 2 x double yellow lines including the layby, 5 x          double yellow lines but not in the layby and 1 x no yellow lines at all.


RESOLVED: following a vote the majority were in favour of double yellow lines but not in the layby.  Cllrs Hinds, Priddin and Williams will report this to FCC, where it is understood FCC will communicate with impacted residents before undertaking a full consultation.


118.   Best Kept Village Competition


The Clerk reported that unfortunately the entrants this year had been unsuccessful and provided details of the judges feedback.


Section A -  Dobshill - There were some pretty roadside shrubs and flowers.  The Judges visited the playground which was excellent but it was a shame to see only 3 Oak trees left.  Not a lot of information was provided on the application form and it would be nice to see some community spirit present in the village. 


Section A -  Penymynydd - The Judges were disappointed at not being able to go inside the Church. The church yard looked tidy.  The Judges would have liked to have seen evidence of community spirit such as activities and events.


Section B -  Penyffordd - The play area looked much improved. The bowling club was very attractive.  It would be good so see evidence of community spirit here.  The negatives were there was littler on the playground, the car park was over gravelled, the millennium clock was not weeded and a seat was broken.

Section D - Corwen Way, Penyffordd.  Attractive estate, clean and tidy with come great looking gardens.  Keep up the good work


Section D - Meadow Rise, Penyffordd.  The Judges thought this was an attractive estate, clean and tidy with no litter. Hopefully see an improvement in the future.


Section D - Park Crescent, Penyffordd.  The Judges commented this was a very pleasant estate.  Some of the gardens at the back were excellent with vegetables being grown and lots of evidence of wildlife.  Keep up the good work.



RESOLVED: received and noted.


119.   Correspondence


The following correspondence was received, acknowledged and noted.

·        An email from a resident of Park Crescent expressing concerns about parking outside their bungalows and have asked if the council would consider parking for residents only?

·        Notification from FCC of the changes to the Arriva bus services 4/4S/X4 and 12/13.

·        The Independent Review Panel on Community and Town Councils in Wales have provided a report with their Outline Findings and Recommendations following recent their consultations (a copy has been attached for your information).

·        OVW are running a training event on ‘The Council Meeting’, on Tuesday 25th Sept 6.30pm – 9.00pm, Mold Town Hall.

·        North Wales Superkids would like to invite you to join us for tea/ coffee and a biscuit/ mince pie at our grotto on Thursday 20th September 11am. Our grotto is based in the Old Library Raikes Lane, CH7 6NW. There will be a short presentation, explaining who they are and the importance of their charity, especially this time of year the TOY BOX APPEAL.

·        Mold’s WW1 Commemorative Concert.  Sunday 11th November, 7.00pm, Theatre Clwyd, Mold.  Tickets £20

·        The next County Forum will be held on Tuesday 23rd October 2018, 6pm – 8pm (Please note slightly earlier start/finish times), Council Chamber, County Hall, Mold, Flintshire

·        The County Forum Meeting dates for 2019:

     Date:              Thursday 14th February 2019       Time:             6.30pm – 8.30pm

     Date:              Tuesday 25th June 2019              Time:             6.30pm – 8.30pm

     Date:              Monday 7th October 2019             Time:             6.30pm – 8.30pm

·        Correspondence from Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales advising that they will be undertaking a review of the electoral arrangements for the County of Flintshire with a view to considering and formulating proposals for future arrangements.  An invitation has been offered to the Chairman to attend a presentation which will take place at FCC, Shire Hall, on 23 October 2018 at 6.00pm. (this presentation will be included as part of the County Forum Meeting)

·        A copy of Hanson Liaison Committee meeting minutes and agenda.


120.   Members Items (AOB)


·        Cllr Wakelam requested the football field on the Taylor Wimpey site to be included on the October agenda.

·        Cllr Wight requested the position of Penyffordd School Governor to be included on the October agenda.






Chair………………………………………………….. 10th October 2018