Minutes of the Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on

Wednesday 10th October 2018


Present:               Councillors Mr J Priddin (Chairman of the Council) Mr A Wight (Vice Chairman), Ms C Hinds, Mr D Walker, Mrs M Jones, Mrs E Davies, Mr R Bestwick, Mr D Williams, Mr R Wakelam, Mr M Rothero and Mrs P Ransome




In attendance:      Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council

                            PCSO Andrea Ellis & PC Natalie Williams

                            Claire Homard, Damian Hughes and Cllr Ian Roberts (Cabinet Member) – FCC Education



139.    Apologies


Apologies were received from Councillor Dr J Smith-Bellis


140.   Declaration of Interest – Members Code of Conduct


There were no Declarations of Interest received.


141.   Visitors


                     i.        PCSO Andrea Ellis and PC Natalie Williams – AE provided members with a Crime Report with details on any incidents which occurred during the past month.  Following the amount of comments on social media she wished to clarify that following her report and attendance at the September meeting (12th), there was an incident of burglary which occurred on 21st Sept and again at the same property on 6th October.  These incidents would have only been reported to the Community Council at the October meeting.


She procedure to inform members for clarification purposes the process of the police in such a crime; any burglary is treated as highly priority and officers would attend, forensics would also attend to gather as much information as possible, CID would also be made aware.  House to house enquiries would be undertaken as soon as reasonably possible (also any cctv footage).  A PCSO would undertake follow ups with the victim discussing security target hardening.  Assistance from Social Services would be available if needed.


It is not procedure for the police to contact and inform community or county councillors of such incidents other than reporting at the monthly meeting.  Cllr Williams asked for clarification that if the council were to contact 101, would they be able to provide details of the victim?  AE advised that herself or any police officer would absolutely not be able to divulge the details of the victim due to data protection reasons.


Cllr Wakelam felt that maybe the comments on social media had started with good intentions and were to help the vulnerable to the village.  The majority of councillors found the comments, negativity and accusations to be disgraceful. 


The Clerk asked AE in accordance with the above procedures, would the victim have been offered additional target hardening following the first incident?  AE advised she was on leave at the time, but in accordance with procedures, she would have been offered it.


Cllr Wight suggested that maybe the intention of the social media situation was to ascertain if we could be more proactive to assist the vulnerable residents.  AE advised that there are numerous ways other than social media such as Owl, Pop Up events, Neighbourhood Watch, Social Services etc, however, despite what can be offered to residents, they have to actually want to receive help and assistance. Cllr Ransome clarified that systems and support is obviously in place and the council should encourage people to attend the Lets Talk Security Event being held on Friday 12th October, 6.00pm at the War Memorial Institute.


**6.50pm PCSO Ellis and PC Williams left the meeting.


                    ii.        Claire Homard, Damian Hughes & Cllr Ian Roberts (Cabinet Member) – FCC Education.  They gave a brief introduction and welcomed the opportunity to attend the meeting to address concerns regarding capacity of Castell Alun High School with all the new development within the surrounding areas.  DH expressed the importance of submitting the Admission Form before the cut off date.  FCC have a strict admissions policy and if a form is received after the closing date, it will unfortunately be put to the bottom of the pile, regardless of where the person lives.


FCC are starting to work very closely with primary schools, who will also be assisting to ensure that parent/guardians have submitted their admission form.  Primary schools are in a very good position to liaise with families and assist where necessary.


DH explained that FCC are not concerned about capacity of the schools and referred the data for the last 4 years which showed that Castell Alun after following the admissions policy was able to offer 60 places to children outside of the area (2015 – 56 spaces, 2016 – 51 spaces, 2017 – 40 spaces), this information shows that there are still spaces for local children. There were a total of 211 admissions to Castell Alun this year (pre 16yrs old).


**MR left the meeting at 7pm


Cllr Williams questioned whether FCC will receive any funding from Wrexham Council once the development in Llay has been complete and the children will be attending a Flintshire School.  It was confirmed and explained that FCC would not receive any funding and the same would apply if a Flintshire resident attended a school outside of the county, FCC would not provide funding.  However, each school does receive funding for every child that attends.


Cllr Hinds expressed concerns that Hawarden, Elfed and Castell Alun High Schools are all full to capacity.  CH said that they look at all schools and look at longer term.  DH said that the Elfed High School is not actually full to capacity as it currently has over 300 spaces.


They advised that Castell Alun runs and co-ordinates their own 6th Form, this is not undertaken by FCC.


A number of members expressed their concerns that due to all the new developments children within the village that have attended primary school together, could end up having to attend different high schools.  DH advised that the new primary school in Penyffordd is already bigger than 2x schools and has been future proofed with the possibility of extended a further 2 classrooms.  Schools are always in regular review and if schools needed to be extended then they would do so, however, they do not build unless there is a demand.


IR advised that FCC follow welsh government rules which are consistent throughout Wales and acknowledged that at times this can be frustrating. DH advised that placements are determined by nearest school and not by catchment areas.


DH offered to meet with Cllrs Williams, Hinds and Wight to go through the figures of FCC and to explain in further detail.  This was welcomed and accepted by the members.


** MR returned at 7.20pm


Cllr Wakelam expressed concerns of children form the village having to attend Hawarden High School with no transport from FCC and having to walk home via Tinkersdale.  IR informed members that FCC already invest £1.5m more than similar local authorities on school transport.


Cllr Williams raised the concerns again of traffic for the single site school.  Previous requests have been made by the Council and School to implement traffic trails from this September in order to address any potential issues.  He again asked FCC if they could please address this issue as soon as possible.  DH agreed that this will be looked into.


Cllr Williams also stated his concerns that FCC did not address the concerns raised by the Design Council on the planning of the school, such as; energy efficiency, not enough natural lighting, cladding could fade/damage.  DH responded by saying that the building will be of Breem Excellence & ECP Rated.  The cladding is fully compliant with fire regulations; the natural lighting has to be met by all building regulations.  Cllr Rothero acknowledge that the village is extremely lucky to be receiving a new school.


DH addressed the request from the community council regarding the provision of a defibrillator at the new school.  Whilst FCC will not be providing this, they would be willing to assist the community council by installing and making the defib purchased by Mr Grimshaw accessible to the public and it could be installed on the school grounds.  DH advised the council to liaise with Paula Vougt.


The Chairman thanked Education for attending the meeting and the information they had provided.   Cllrs Williams, Hinds and Wight will make arrangements to visit Damian Hughes.


** DH, CH and IR left the meeting at 7.40pm


142.   Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 12th September 2018 and the Extraordinary Meeting held on 2nd October 2018


RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


143.   Matters arising


Min 104 (74 & 54) - Mark Middleton is going to be assessing the location of a safety barrier outside of St Johns School and along A5104.  The Clerk has spoken with him and he does have concerns that the pavement may not be wide enough to allow this.  He will review and report back.


Min 116 - Cllr Williams will have submitted the planning application for the new noticeboard.  The noticeboard will be ordered in due course.


Min 137 - Connected Security have confirmed the cameras will be installed by 24th October.  The cameras have a 12 mth warranty.  The only additional costs would be if the council wished to have them serviced which would be £100.  I have informed PCSO Ellis of these cameras and she is going to liaise with Connected Security.


144.   Public Questions


There were no public questions received.


145.   Councillor Vacancy


Flintshire County Council have confirmed that no request for an Election was received within fourteen days of the date of the Notice and as a result it is in order for the Community Council to fill the vacancies by co-option following the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 / Filling Vacancies by Co-Option.


It was proposed and agreed that a separate meeting will be held to review the applications and to hold interviews, the suggested date was Thursday 8th November, 6.30pm, venue to be confirmed


RESOLVED: the Clerk will display the Notice of Co-option for a 14 day period with a closing date of the 2nd November.  Applications will be provided to members as soon as reasonably possibly and the applications will be reviewed and interviews held on Thursday 8th November.


146.   Working Groups


                     i.        Transport – Cllr Walker advised that Jessica Pritchard (FCC) will be making contact with both Penyffordd and Buckley councils to discuss transport.  He also commented that the Council needs to consider transport fro residents to Broughton.  Cllr Hinds advised that Ruth Cartwright (FCC) was due to be arranging another Community Transport Drop In Event.

Environment – Cllr Williams confirmed that he and Cllr Smith-Bellis have reviewed areas of the village in preparation for Project Daffodil, Cllr Smith-Bellis has this information.  Cllr Wight advised that the delivery of 10,000 bulbs will be received shortly and that a project plan of areas, planters and groups need to be co-ordinated. He asked whether Sherratts Landscapes would have access to a bulb planting machine?

                    ii.        Cllr Wight proposed to form an additional Working Group ‘Community Buildings’ to assist with the War Memorial Institute and youth club.


                     i.        The Clerk will ascertain if the Sherratts Landscape have access to a planting machine.

                    ii.        It was agreed for an additional Working Group for Community Building which will consist of Cllrs Rothero, Priddin, Wight, Wakelam, Hinds, Ransome, Williams and Davies.

147.   Millstone Playing Field


                     i.        The Clerk provided members with the agenda information on the site meeting between Cllrs Priddin, Wakelam, Williams, herself and Richard Roberts to review the grass matting.  On his advice he suggested investing in wet pour to prevent the problem from happening again, the deterioration is due to high usage wear and tear.  He had advised it would be in the region of £6000-7000, and FCC would contribute £3000.  Quotes for the work have now been received and RR has proposed a 50/50 contribution taking the cheapest quotes: Brian Davies to carry out the groundworks @ £3700 and DCM to carry out the wetpour @ £2916 = £6616, therefore the cost to the council would be £3308.  In addition to the above a quote has also been provided for the installation of drainage at a cost of £1750.

                    ii.        At the site meeting it also became apparent that the fencing in the toddler area required being replaced and the old concrete posts removing.




                     i.        The council approved for the above works to be undertaken.  Installation of wet pour under the titan rope swing and installation of drainage.  The Clerk will liaise with Richard Roberts.

                    ii.        Cllr Williams will obtain a quote for the replacement fencing and the Clerk will liaise with Ian Williams and Richard Roberts to ascertain of they are able to assist with the removal of the concrete posts.

148.   Annual Community Awards


Requested by Cllr Wight: he had suggested the council considers Annual Community Awards where we have specific categories which we invite nominees for and we present winners with a small trophy and gift voucher. If the categories were well chosen, we could include recognition for the long serving volunteers as well as people with new initiatives, youth or children’s award and a lifetime achievement award. We can present them at Christmas or at the Carnival.


This proposal was welcomed by members and agreed that the Community Working Group will formalise categories and proposed prizes which will be presented for the council’s approval.


RESOLVED: the Community Working Group will formalise categories and proposed prizes which will be presented for the council’s approval.  This will also be included as a new budget heading.


149.   Redrow Development, Chester Road, Penymynydd


Notification has been received and circulated that Redrow wants to offer support to as many local groups, organisations and individuals as possible and will share out the £10,000 budget accordingly.  Applications to Redrow have to be received by 31 October.


Cllr Wight also advised that Redrow have informed him that they are starting to trap for newts in the top fields and will be closing off access for dog walkers around the fields whilst the traps are in place.  The public footpath across the fields will remain open.


RESOLVED: the report was received and noted.


150.   Planning Applications


a)     To review and consider Planning Applications received.

                     i.    Notification that Ref: 057396.  Application for approval of reserved matters for the erection of 40 dwellings following outline approval ref: 053656.  Land at (north of) Rhos Road.  Went to the Planning Committee meeting on 3rd October 2018.  Further correspondence received to advise it has been removed from the agenda.  Cllr Williams advised this has been referred due to ongoing discussion of affordable provision.

                    ii.    Macbryde Homes – Consultation before applying for Planning Permission.  Proposal: The construction for 32 dwellings including associated affordable homes, opens pace, access, drainage and infrastructure.  Site: Land of Hawarden Road, Penyffordd.  Cllr Williams advised that the new proposed plans include; new layout and new style of houses.  Macbryde Homes are will to meet with the Council to discuss.

RESOLVED: the Planning Working Group will arrange to meet with Macbryde Homes.

                   iii.    Ref: 058943.  Creation of access.  22 The Woodlands, Chester Road, Dobshill.  Support on the condition that there are no issues or concerns from neighbouring properties.

                  iv.    Ref: 058836.  Single storey extension to provide re-modelled toilets and accessible toilet.  St John the Baptist School, Chester Road, Penymynydd.  Support

                    v.    Ref: 058929.  Conversion of barn to form 1 no. dwelling with associated parking.  Rhydd Farm, Rhos Road, Penyffordd.  The Council wish to leave the decision to the delegated officer, however, there are concerns regarding access. 

                  vi.    Ref: 058922.  Erection of a single storey garage to side of property.  14 Westfield Drive, Penyffordd.  Support


            RESOLVED: the above comments will be reported to Flintshire County Council Planning. 


b)       To receive Notifications of Planning Decisions made by Flintshire County Council.

                     i.    Ref: 058252.  Construction of menage.  Blackbrook Farm, Lower Mountain Road, Penyffordd.  Approved


RESOLVED: the above be received and noted.


c)        To review Ongoing and Proposed Planning Applications.

                     i.    Penyffordd Single Site School  

                    ii.    Rhos Road (40)

                   iii.    Dobshill (former Council Depot) – planning application has been approved.


RESOLVED:  the above was received and noted.



151.   Youth Club Building and Surrounding Site


Cllr Williams reported that he has had a meeting with the Scout Group.  Neal Cockerton – FCC has now advised to meet with FLVC for advice and assistance with producing a business plan.  Cllr Wight there are two options at present 1) the site to be managed by one user or 2) one user to manage the youth club and the scout group to manage their building.


        RESOLVED: the report was received and noted.


152.   Newsletter


Cllr Williams confirmed the newsletter is complete and has been printed, he will liaise with members with regard to distribution of areas within the village.


The newsletter will also be uploaded to the Council website.


RESOLVED: Cllr Williams will liaise with members to ensure all areas are covered for distribution.  The Clerk will include this on the council website.


153.   Parking Issues and Road Safety


To consider complaints received on the following:

                     i.        Parking and access for residents adjacent to Penyffordd School - this has been raised again with FCC who have confirmed it will be looked into.

                    ii.        Hawarden Road Parking Issues (area of the Spar) – Cllr Williams advised that this is still being investigated.  It was suggested that Cllr Williams and Hinds will undertake a letter drop to the local residents.  He advised that FCC have informed them that the final decision will be determined by the County Councillors.

                   iii.        Exiting of The Groves, Penyffordd – Cllr Williams and Hinds have spoken with the Highways Officer and this will now be discussed with Streetscene for further investigations.



                     i.        This has been raised again with FCC who have confirmed it will be looked into, the council will await a response.

                    ii.        Cllrs Williams and Hinds will liaise with local residents and report back to the council.

                   iii.        Cllrs Williams and Hinds to purse this matter and report back to the council.

154.   School Governors


Due to recent resignation from members the Council needed to appoint permanent members to hold the posts of School Governors at both Penyffordd Primary School and St John the Baptist School.


RESOLVED: Cllr Wakelam agreed to undertake the role for St John the Baptist School and Cllr Ransome for Penyffordd Primary School.  The Clerk will write to each school respectively.


155.   Football Pitch (Taylor Wimpey)


Cllr Williams advised that this is currently with FCC Legal Dept and is awaiting the final legal agreement which is due imminently.


RESOLVED: the report was received and noted.


156.   Millennium Clock – Wall of Poppies


Cllr Ransome reported that this project is progressing extremely well and the support and involvement from the community has been outstanding.  She is working very closely with Mrs Priddin who has instigated the project and they are communicating with local groups, schools, social media to involve as many people as possible.  They had recently attended the youth club where children took part by making recyclable poppies for the wall.


Cllr Wakelam will be installing the cargo netting for the poppies to be placed.  There will be an official launch of the poppies on Friday 2nd November with a Coffee Morning at the Royal British Legion.


RESOLVED: the above report was received and noted.


157.   Alyn Drive – Entrance


Cllr Williams informed members that he, Cllr Hinds and Ian Williams (Streetscene) had assessed the work required to tidy the entrance of Alyn Drive.  He asked the council to approve a budget of approx. £200-£250 to repair/replace the fencing and seating.  IW has agreed that if the council can supply the materials, he will undertake the work. 


RESOLVED: the Council approved a budget of £200-£250 for the improvement works required at the entrance of Alyn Drive.


158.   Correspondence


The following correspondence was received, acknowledged and noted.

·        An invitation from Insp Darren Whibberley for 2 members to attend a consultation meeting on Thursday 15th November, 7pm at Leeswood Community Centre. 

RESOLVED: Cllrs Wight and Wakelam will attend.

·        FCC Standards Committee and Town & Community Council Meeting to be held on 12th November at Caffi Isa, Mynydd Isa at 6pm.

·        Invitation to the Chairman to attend Leeswoods Civic Service on 14th October and Buckley Town Council’s Mayor Charity Ball on 2nd November.

·        Royal Mail notification and request to promote ‘Scam Mail’

·        FCC are holding a Code of Conduct Training Course on Wednesday 17th October at 6pm and will be held at Oddfellows Hall, High Street, Saltney. To date Cllrs Priddin, Wakelam, Walker and Ransome have confirmed their attendance.

·        Ensuring affordable fire and rescue services - You are invited to take part in North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority’s consultation - to have your say on ensuring affordable fire and rescue services, before the draft budget for 2019/20 is set in December 2018.

159.   Members Items (AOB)


·        Cllr Ransome wished to express her appreciation at the speedy work of Mr Ian Williams Streetscene for clearing the rubbish in the layby at the top of Chester Road.

·        Cllr Rothero advised that the Primary School children had extended an invitation to all Council members to visit the school to view their work on WW1.  He also advised that an invitation will be made to attend the School’s Christmas Concert. Cllr Rothero will confirm the dates.

·        Cllr Jones reported a street light out at 18 Plas Yn Rhos.

RESOLVED: this will be reported to FCC Streetscene.

·        Cllr Hinds informed members that she had been contacted by Hawarden Estates who advised her that they will be undertaking some improvements to Penymynydd Woods and any ideas would be appreciated.

·        Cllrs Hinds and Williams have co-ordinated a security event to be held on Friday 12th October, and any assistance from other councillors would be appreciated.

·        Cllr Williams expressed that recent social media events have been extremely upsetting for both Cllr Hinds and himself and comments made have divided the community unnecessarily.

·        Cllr Wakelam advised of concerns of the housing application process for Ty Terrig and asked the council to consider this in the future.


The finance and ordinary meetings were closed at 9.50pm










Chair………………………………………………….. 14th November 2018