Minutes of the Finance Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on

Wednesday 13th June 2018


Present:               Councillors Mr A Wight (Chairman of the Committee) Mr J Priddin (Chairman of the Council), Mr D Williams, Ms C Hinds, Mr D Walker, Mrs M Jones, Mrs E Davies, Mr R Bestwick, Mr R Wakelam, Mrs L Vidamour and Dr Smith-Bellis




In attendance:      Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council



61.            Apologies


Apologies were received from Councillor Mr M Rothero


62.             Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest received.


63.             Minutes of the meeting held 19th May 2018


RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


64.             Matters Arising


There were no matters arising.


65.             Penyffordd War Memorial Refurbishment Project (Section 106 Agreement)


                            i.          On the recommendation of the auditor, the Clerk prepared and circulated a draft Terms of Reference for the Council to review and consider and if agreed to be adopted.

                          ii.          The Clerk advised she wrote to the Institute (Mr Guy) on 16th May as requested by the council and included the draft terms of reference.  No response has been received back.  Cllrs Hinds, Williams and Davies informed the council that it was their understanding that the Institute Committee is working extremely hard to secure funding for phase 2 of the project.  Cllr Wight proposed that the Council request to attend and speak at their next Committee Meeting.  Whilst the Council does not wish to interfere and have confidence in their abilities, for reasons of transparency they need to be involved in their progress and be provided with their timescale plans.



                            i.          Received and noted.

                          ii.          A request will be made to the PYF Institute to attend and speak at their next meeting, together with a request to be involved with their progress and be provided with their intended timescale plan for funding and work.


66.             Defibrillator – Penyffordd Bowling Club


This had previously been discussed, however, the Bowling Club are unable to obtain a free defibrillator and the Clerk has been contacted by Mr Harry Grimshaw who is wishing purchase a defibrillator to be installed at the bowling club and has asked if the Council would be willing to contribute 50% of the costs. 


Members were in support of this proposal, but concerns were raised that if it were to be installed on the Bowling Club building, there is a key coded gate to the grounds and therefore would not be accessible to the public.


RESOLVED: the Council agreed in principle to contribute 50% towards the purchase of a defibrillator on the condition it were to be installed in the vicinity of Park Crescent and was accessible to the public.  The Clerk will liaise with Mr Grimshaw.


** 7.25pm Cllr D Walker arrived.



67.             Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales


The Clerk informed members that at the April 2018 meeting, the Council passed a resolution to formally adopt Determinations 44 and 47 – 53. for 2018/19.  No payments were made as the Clerk was seeking clarification on how this should be done.  She attended an IRPW Seminar in Llandudno on 9th May and whilst there was no clear guidance on payments, it did highlight the payment responsibilities on determinations 47, 52 & 53 and by adopting these the Council are also required to formally agree and adopt who these payments will be made to and a set payment figure.  The IRPW emphasised that the role of a Community Councillors is not that of a volunteer and that it is a role in Local Government which holds significant responsibilities.


   The Clerk provided members with a report and requested the council to consider the following:

i)       Who will receive the Senior Role Payments - Determination 47?

The Panel recognises that specific member roles especially within the larger community and town councils, for example a committee chair, will involve greater responsibility. It is also likely that larger councils will have a greater number of committees, reflecting its level of activity. The Panel has therefore determined that councils in Group B are authorised to pay up to five responsibility payments for specified roles.  An annual payment of £500 each to up to 5 members in recognition of specific responsibilities. This is in addition to the £150 payment for costs and expenses if that is claimed.


ii)     How much will be paid to the Chairman for the Civic Head and Deputy Civic Head Honoraria Payment – Determinations 52 & 53?

Recognising that some chairs of community and town councils and their deputies are very active during their year of office, the Panel has determined that community and town councils should be authorised to pay an honorarium for these roles.  In previous annual reports the Panel did not determine a maximum level of payment to mayors/chairs and their deputies.


The Panel’s consultation meetings this year, confirmed that the majority of community and town councils make no or very modest payments to their civic leaders and that some of them are reporting the budget allocated for civic functions and civic expenditure rather than the amount paid as personal senior salary to the individual.


The Panel is concerned only with the amount paid to the mayors/chairs as an honorarium to be used or retained at their discretion.  This is separate from a budget for mayoral/chair activities. The Panel has determined that the maximum amount to be paid to a chair/mayor of a community or town council in this way shall be £1,500.  The maximum amount to be paid to a deputy mayor/chair in this way shall be £500.


iii)    How should the Payments be made?

a)     Payments to members can be made via payroll where appropriate tax and ni will be deducted.  This will be at a cost of approx. £6 per person per month or £8 per person per year.

b)     Payments to members can be made by cheque/bacs where no tax deductions will be taken at source.  Members would be responsible to report the income to HMRC.  (OVW are currently seeking an exemption with HMRC for the £150 mandated payment to members)


iv)    When should the payments be made?

a)     Pay in advance of the year ahead i.e May/June.  The Council would need to consider if a payment was made in advance and a Councillor left mid-year (resigned, disqualified or death) would the Council require a pro rota reimbursement?  If a member joined the Council mid-way through a year, a pro rota payment would need to be made.

b)     Pay at the end of the year i.e Feb/March.  If a member left mid-year the Council would still have an obligation to make a pro rata payment.

c)      Pay in instalments throughout the year.


The Clerk also reminded members that there is a mandated payment of £150 to all Councillors in accordance with Determination 44, however, in the Annual Report it does state “in all cases, any individual member may make a personal decision to elect to forgo part or all of the entitlement to any of these payments by giving notice in writing to the proper officer of the council       


There were in-depth discussions regarding what positions should be eligible and the payment amounts.  There were concerns obviously raised on how these payments will be perceived by residents.


The Clerk advised that she had sought clarification from IRPW on whether the Council could adopt a ‘£0.00’ figure to which she was advised that as the Council have adopted these determinations then then they do have to pay the specific responsibilities payment and the payments to Civic Heads & Deputies.  She also advised that the Annual Report and Determinations are reviewed annually.


With regard to how payments should be made, the council considered the additional costs and administration that would be incurred via payroll and it was proposed that payments should be made via cheque/bacs and it will be the individual councillors responsibility to report any income received to HMRC.


The options of when the payments should be made were considered and it was felt that payment in advance could result in complications should a member leave mid year and therefore was proposed to pay at the end of the financial year Feb/March.

RESOLVED: all of the following was unanimously agreed

i)       Cllr Wight proposed that the position of Chairman should be offered the Senior Role (determination 47) payment of £500 which was unanimously agreed.

ii)      The payment amount of £1.00 will be paid to the Chairman and Vice Chairman under Determinations 52 & 53.

iii)     Any of the above payments will be paid via cheque or bacs where no tax deductions will be taken at source.  Members would be responsible to report the income to HMRC.

iv)    Any of the above payments will be paid at the end of the year i.e Feb/March.  If a member leaves mid-year the Council would offer a pro rata payment.


68.             Bank Balances


Bank Balances as at 13th June 2018                                                      Current             £9,179.37

                                                                                                            Deposit             £89,492.95

                                                                                                            Play Area            £17,016.33


Payments Received                             

01/06/2018        HMRC - Vat Refund                                                                              £2,933.95

04/06/2018        HSBC - Interest                                                                                    £54.82

06/06/2018        Hanson Donation for the Millstone Fencing                                             £800.00


Unpresented Cheques               102169             Mr R Wakelam                                      £16.78

Cllr Wakelam returned the cheque to the Clerk and it was agreed the payment will now be made via bacs.


RESOLVED:  the above be received and noted.


69.             Accounts for Payment



Payment Method





William Hall & Co

Annual Rent for Dobshill Play Area




Annual Membership




Flintshire County Council

Electricity & Repair Charges - April 2018



Staffing Costs





Mrs S Hughes

Stationery, General Admin etc



Ms C Hinds

Alans Skip Hire – Millstone Play Area fence project



Int - Internet Banking



RESOLVED: The above accounts be processed for payment and was signed by the Chairman of Council and/or the Chairman of Finance.  Payments were also countersigned by two bank signatories.


70.             Members Items (AOB)


·        The Chairman requested that a ‘thank you’ letter be sent to Hanson for the £800 donation towards the replacement fencing at the Millstone Play Area.

·        Cllr Hinds reported that plants and shrubs have been purchased for the village, at no cost to the council, however, further plants and shrubs are required.  The Clerk advised the council does hold a budget heading of £250.00 for this.

·        Cllr Williams highlighted that previously the council did employ a contractor to undertake additional hedge and grass cutting throughout the village in addition to what was done by FCC.  Due to the cut backs by FCC a number of complaints have been received and he requested the council to consider again employing a contractor to cover grass & hedge cutting at the entrances to the village.  He also asked members if there were any other specific areas they have identified to let him know.  The Clerk advised that the Council does still hold a budget heading of £1800 for this work.

RESOLVED: the Clerk will liaise with Cllr Williams to identify the areas and obtain quotes from contractors.  This will be included on the July agenda.

·        Cllr Hinds wished to thank the Beavers, Youth Club and Mrs Rawlinson for the time and effort on assisting with the tidying and plants around the Millennium Clock.  The Chairman also thanked Cllr Hinds for the work she had undertaken.



The meeting was closed at 9.40pm







Chair………………………………………………….. 11th July 2018