Minutes of the Finance Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on

Wednesday 11th July 2018


Present:               Councillors Mr A Wight (Chairman of the Committee) Mr J Priddin (Chairman of the Council), Ms C Hinds, Mr D Walker, Mrs M Jones, Mrs E Davies, Mr R Bestwick, Mr R Wakelam and Mrs L Vidamour



In attendance:      Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council

                            1 x member of the public


89.            Apologies


Apologies were received from Councillors Mr M Rothero, Mr D Williams and Dr Smith-Bellis. 


90.             Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest received.


91.             Minutes of the meeting held 13th June 2018


RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


92.             Matters Arising


Min 67 – the Clerk has provided all members with the appropriate Members Allowance Claim Forms.


93.             Penyffordd War Memorial Refurbishment Project (Section 106 Agreement)


Mr Guy has responded and advised they are currently working to create a draft project execution plan (PEP). When appropriately developed they will be in a position to brief the Council with a considered plan.  They would like to reassure the council that they value the support and look forward to providing an informative briefing. Upon concluding their draft PEP they will respond and coordinate a mutually convenient meeting for the PCC working group.   The Institute has also confirmed they are happy for representatives to attend their July or September meeting.


RESOLVED:  a council representative will attend the Institutes September Meeting.


94.             Defibrillator – Penyffordd Bowling Club


Mr H Grimshaw is very keen to get the defibrillator installed asap and is happy to purchase the equipment to be installed inside of the Bowling Club, should the council wish to contribute, this can be by way of purchasing an outdoor cabinet and installing it outside of the bowling club.  This would be on the post outside of the gate.


Members considered that as FCC will be installing a defibrillator at the new Penyffordd Junior School and it was suggested that this could be installed outside of the building and made available to the public.


Cllr Hinds reported that she is still currently in possession of signage for the defibrillator which was installed at the Institute.  Cllr Wakelam agreed that he would be happy to install them.


RESOLVED: the Council will write to FCC to request if the proposed defibrillator could in fact be installed on the outside of the building to be available to the public.  Cllr Wakelam will arrange for the defibrillator signs to be installed.


95.             Quarterly Budget Review


                            i.          The Clerk provided the Council with copies of the quarterly summary, budget monitoring report and bank reconciliation (appendix A).  These documents were reviewed and no concerns were raised.

                          ii.          In order to meet the requirements of the financial regulations and internet banking, it is necessary for a programme of regular checks of standing data with suppliers to be followed.  This         required a member to look through and certify a number of invoices and payment receipts.





                            i.          the Council approved the above which was authorised by a member of the Council other than the Chairman.

                          ii.          Cllr J Priddin reviewed a selection of invoices and payment receipts which were certified as correct.


96.             Village Grass Cutting


Cllr Williams has liaised with the Clerk and a report was provided to members.


Flintshire have agreed to do all of the two main entrances by Penymynydd roundabout into the village and from the Wrexham end between Platt Lane and the main road, the bank facing as you turn in and the grass on the right. Mike Eastwood and Steve Jones have been very cooperative over this.  These are not on the agreed schedule any longer, so we have reached a compromise for them to do the above this time, and the Community Council will then take over for the remainder of the summer.


One quotation has been received of £195+vat, Cllr Williams and the Clerk will meet a further Contractor on his return from holiday.


For information the counties agreed schedule for grass cutting is as follows:

·        40, 50 and 60 MPH    One single swathe width cut per year, usually early July.

·        Exceptions to this are on safety grounds for visibility areas. This is normally at junctions but there may be exceptions near busy and possible isolated residential properties.

·        Rural highway verges within 30 mph and built up areas, ie through the village.  4 single swathes widths per year.

·        Amenity area within the village centres and greens.  Mowed up to 13 times a year.

·        Public rights of way where public footpath signs are erected.  Phone streetscene & report to Rights of Way for the attention of John Griffiths.


Concerns were raised that the above areas should in fact be covered by FCC and not he Community Council.  Previously the Council did employ a Contractor who covered a number of areas around the village which did not fall under responsibility of FCC and that these areas should be considered again.


Cllr Wakelam and Davies both suggested alternative contractors which the Clerk will follow up.


**6.55pm Cllr D Walker arrived.


The Chairman proposed that to move this matter on he would liaise with Cllrs Williams and the Clerk and report on the September meeting.


RESOLVED: the Chairman will liaise with Cllr Williams and the Clerk to review all the locations previously maintained by the Community Council and obtain additional quotes which will be reported at the September meeting.


97.             Bank Balances


Bank Balances as at 11th July 2018                                                        Current             £6,446.52                                                                                                                                 Deposit             £88,652.95

                                                                                                            Play Area            £21,044.33


Payments Received                             


25/06/2018        FCC Match Funding (Melwood Close)                                                    £5,000.00

(This amount together with the Community Council’s contribution of £10,000 will be held in reserves solely for the use on Melwood Close Play Area)


RESOLVED:  the above be received and noted.









98.             Accounts for Payment




Payment Method





Royal British Legion

3x Silent Solider Silhouettes



Flintshire County Council

Electricity & Repair Charges - May 2018

Not rec.


Staffing Costs





Mrs S Hughes

Stationery, General Admin etc







Int - Internet Banking



Payment Method






Clwyd Fencing

Millstone Fencing










The Clerk sought approval to obtain Corel PDF Fusion at a cost of 1 x £25.00 and 12 x £2.50 which would be supplied via Microshade.


                          ii.          To authorise delegated powers for payments during the summer recess.


                            i.          The above accounts be processed for payment and was signed by the Chairman of Council and/or the Chairman of Finance.  Payments were also countersigned by two bank signatories.

The Council approved the Clerk to purchase the above PDF package supplied via Microshade.

                          ii.          The Clerk will obtain the required two bank signatories in accordance with the bank mandate for payments during the summer recess, these will then be reported in the September Meeting where the report will be signed by the Chairman and/or Chairman of Finance


99.             Members Items (AOB)




The meeting was closed at 8.40pm







Chair………………………………………………….. 12th September 2018




Appendix A1



Appendix A2



Appendix A3