Minutes of the Finance Meeting held in the War Memorial Institute on

Wednesday 10th October 2018


Present:               Councillors Mr A Wight (Committee Chairman), Mr J Priddin (Chairman of the Council), Ms C Hinds, Mr D Walker, Mrs M Jones, Mrs E Davies, Mr R Bestwick, Mr D Williams, Mr R Wakelam, Mr M Rothero and Mrs P Ransome




In attendance:      Mrs S Hughes, Clerk & RFO to the Council



160.          Apologies


Apologies were received from Councillors Dr J Smith-Bellis.


161.          Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest received.


162.          Minutes of the meeting held 12th September 2018


RESOLVED: these were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


163.          Matters Arising


There were no matters arising.


164.          Penyffordd War Memorial Refurbishment Project (Section 106 Agreement)


An invitation has been received from the Institute Committee to invite members of the Community Council to attend the next Institute committee meeting which will be held on Tuesday 23rd October at 7.30 to discuss the refurbishment plans.


Cllr Wight expressed concerns of the risk of losing the s.106 money if the project has not commenced within the 5 years.  Action needs to be taken as soon as possible and urgency needs to be instilled in the Institute.


RESOLVED:  Cllrs Ransome, Jones, Williams, Walker, Priddin and Wakelam will attend the Institute Committee Meeting.


165.          Insurance Claim – Car Accident in the area of the Millennium Clock


                     i.        The Clerk provided members with a report with the agenda.  The repairs have been undertaken and the wood slats should be done next week, the commemorative bench has been ordered with a lead time of approx. 4 weeks.


The claim has highlighted that the stone bench is actually under insured and the insurance will not pay the full repair costs.  We have insured the two stone seats under the 'all risks' on the policy for a total sum insured of £371.31.  The cost to repair 1 stone bench as per the quote is £535. This indicates we are underinsured for the stone seats and would mean that the maximum they would be able to pay for 1 stone bench is £185.66, which is half of the sum insured.


They have agreed a settlement figure of £958.66 - excess £100 = £858.66.  This is made up of the cost of £300 wall damage, £185.66 stone seat and £473 commemorative bench.


After speaking with both the police and insurance to ascertain if there is any way we as a council can pursue the individual to claim back costs, unfortunately this is not possible.  Given the fact that the police and insurance have both advised that there is no other way of us pursing our loss of £449.34 (£100 excess and £349.34 for the bench) the Chair and Vice had no objections with claiming the settlement figure of £858.66.


Cllr Bestwick asked the possibility of taking this matter to the small claims court, Cllr Wight responded that this would be the responsibility of the insurance company.  It was also suggested to speak with PCSO Ellis to ascertain if there was any possibility of making a claim from the police under the ‘victims of crime’.


                    ii.        As a result of this situation which has highlighted the council were under insured, we now need to reassess the historical assets to ensure the council are fully covered. The Clerk provided members with a copy of the asset register and highlighted the items which require reviewing.  The Clerk will contact the appropriate companies to gain valuations and will make the necessary amendments with the insurance.



                     i.        The report was received and noted.  The Clerk will contact PCSO Ellis to ascertain if the council could submit a claim to the ‘victims of crime’.

                    ii.        The Clerk will contact the appropriate companies for valuations, make the necessary amendments to the insurance policy and pay any additional premium that may be required.


166.          Village Grass Cutting


Cllr Williams advised that as FCC had agreed to one swatih wide cut either side of the village entrances, Sheratts have now undertaken a further two cuts to date and commented that the village was looking a lot tidier.  If this arrangement can continue and start earlier next year it will ensure that the village is kept maintained.  He proposed for the council to write to Mr S Jones, Chief Officer of Streetscene,  Ian Williams and Mike Eastwood to thank them for their involvement in getting the work done, for working with the community council.


RESOLVED: the council will write to Mr Jones, Williams and Eastwood to thank them for the work that has been done and for the working partnership with the community council which is hoped will commence again earlier in 2019.


167.          Half Year Budget Review


i.   The Clerk provided the Council with copies of the quarterly summary, budget monitoring report and bank reconciliation (appendix A). 

Cllr Wight asked whether the budget for the Community Transport (contingency liability) was likely to be utilised.  The Clerk advised that she was not aware that any costs this year will be passed to the Community Council.  Cllr Walker did advise that he was aware that Jessica Pritchard (FCC Transport) is due to be arranging a meeting with Penyffordd and Buckley Councils, however, he was not aware of why.  These documents were reviewed and no concerns were raised.

ii.  In order to meet the requirements of the financial regulations and internet banking, it is necessary for a programme of regular checks of standing data with suppliers to be followed.  This required a member to look through and certify a number of invoices and payment receipts.



i.   the Council approved the above which was authorised by a member of the Council other than the Chairman.

ii.  Cllr J Priddin reviewed a selection of invoices and payment receipts which were certified as correct.


168.          Defibrillator


The Clerk advised members she had obtained information and costs as requested.  A quote was obtained from Achub Calon Y Dyffryn of Unlocked cabinet: £354 - £424.80 (inc VAT), Locked cabinet: £384 - £460.80 (inc VAT), Electrician/installation: £180 - £250 - £216 - £300 (inc VAT).  As the defibrillator was initially purchased via Welsh Hearts they are also able to provide a cabinet for £495 and the Council would be responsible to appoint an electrician for installation. 


Once the community council makes this defib available to the public 24/7, the council will be responsible to replace the pads and batteries as and when required.  The battery will be required to be replacement approximately every 5 years at a cost of £120 and Welsh Hearts will replace the pads free of charge.  The Council would be responsible to inform Welsh Hearts when the defib has been used and the pads need replacing.  Welsh Hearts will check the defib on a regular basis, however, it would also be beneficial if a member of the council could also take this role and routinely check.


Under min 141(ii) Damian Hughes, FCC Education had confirmed FCC would be willing to assist with the installation of the cabinet and defibrillator.


Cllr Williams had liaised with a resident to ascertain of the cabinet could be installed on the exterior of her property which she agreed to.  Cllr Walker advised that this may not be acceptable my Mr Grimshaw who was the gentleman that purchased the defib, currently installed at the Bowling Club and felt that it may be more suitable to be installed at the entrance of the Bowling Club.  It was also unclear on whether FCC had a preference on where it would be installed.


Cllr Wight proposed that the Clerk should liaise with FCC to ascertain if they had any preferences and Cllr Walker will liaise with Mr Grimshaw again to ascertain if he had any preferences to the location.


Cllr Williams asked that the council formally write to Mr Grimshaw to explain the situation; the council are willing to financial support the purchase of a cabinet to make the defib accessible to the public and the only reason that this has been delayed is that the council were under the impression that FCC would be installing one at the new school.  Now that this has been confirmed that FCC will not be installing a defib at the school, but would be willing to accommodate one at the school and assist with the installation.


RESOLVED: the Clerk will liaise with FCC to ascertain if they had any preference to the location of the cabinet/defib  and Cllr Walker will also liaise with Mr Grimshaw again to ascertain if he had any preferences to the location.  The Clerk will also formally write to Mr Grimshaw.


169.          Lamp Post Poppies


As requested the Clerk made enquires with FCC and the Royal British Legion.  She was advised that FCC are not supplying the poppies this year and that requests would need to go through RBL.  The RBL have advised they are currently low on stock but the council would submit a request.  They are asking for a donation of £5 per poppy for the same as we had last year (as FCC did not have a lot in their budget the RBL did a reduce cost to FCC last year at £1.50 and we made a 50% donation for 45 poppies).


Cllr Williams advised that he still has a few poppies from last year, however, there were a number that were damaged.  Cllr Wight advised that he would be able to provide some additional poppies.  Cllr Ransome questioned that if they were not purchased through the RBL that we were not supporting the RBL.  Cllr Priddin commented that the Council has supported the RBL by purchasing the 3 x silhouettes.


Members asked the Clerk to question with the RBL why the cost has increased from £1.50 to £5.00. 


RESOLVED: Cllr Wight will provide additional lamp post poppies and the Clerk will ask RBL why there has been a significant increase from last year.


170.          Draft Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales – Annual Report 2019/20


A copy of the draft report was provided to all members with the agenda for them to review as this will affect the council and its budget for 2019/20.  Any comments need to be submitted by 27 November.


            RESOLVED: this will be included on the November agenda for further consideration.


171.          Bank Balances


Bank Balances as at 10th October 2018                         Current             £12,889.64

                                                                                    Deposit             £108,061.95

                                                                                    Play Area          £21,044.33


RESOLVED:  the above be received and noted.


172.          Accounts for Payment


To authorise the following accounts for payment:


Payment Method





Second Life Products

Replacement Commemorative Bench




Edwards Stonemasonry

Repair work for stone wall and bench




Sheratt Landscape Contractors

Village Grass Cutting





Set up and rental of PDF Fusion



Staffing Costs

Sept Wages




Mrs S Hughes

Stationery, General Admin etc



Sheratt Landscape Contractors

Village Grass Cutting








Int - Internet Banking


            (*insurance claim already approved and paid)


RESOLVED: The above accounts be processed for payment and was signed by the Chairman of Council and/or the Chairman of Finance.  Payments were also countersigned by two bank signatories.


173.          Members Items (AOB)


The Clerk informed members that the annual grant form has been prepared.  It will be advertised on the council’s website and noticeboards.  She also informed them that as part of the GDPR, applicants will also be required to complete a privacy notice.  The closing date for applications will be Monday 5th November 2018.



The finance and ordinary meetings were closed at 9.50pm









Chair………………………………………………….. 14th November 2018



Appendix A

Overview of balances


Please select an 'Account number' to view more details on the account balance. Balances are as at:  01 Oct 2018 12:41:53

Account name

Account type

Sort code

Account number






GBP   21044.33






GBP 108061.95






GBP   11158.00